Thursday, February 27th, 2025

Therapy boosts peanut tolerance in allergic kids [NIH]

Managing Diabetes [NIH]

Caring for Your Mental Health [NIH]

1,200 Calorie Diet Menu - [NHLBI, NIH]

What’s up, everybody! It’s Thursday, December 27th, 2025. I watched two great French movies available on YouTube. One was called “Un Homme Au Pair” and the other “Un Homme Par Hasard” both Romantic Comedies between a man and a woman. Enjoy. As always, CDC is supended due to Trump’s stupidity, therefore to this other portal for videos on FLU, COVID-19, RSV, NOROVIRUS, MONKEYPOX, etc. Thank you, “American Medical Association (AMA).” Big shoutout to all Doctors/Nurses and everybody who works in a Hospital. My HULU membership was cancelled so I won’t be able to watch E.R. (TV) for a while now. Really upsetting. I was almost at the George Clooney episode where he saved that young boy and became famous and left the show to become a movie star including his time as Batman.

Until Next Time!