02-18-2025 Some stabilization needed in the JLR OS. We’re at JLR 2800. JLR 2900 and 3000 are the next big updates/upgrades. Please update to latest Visual Studio, Apple Swift, if need be. JETLAG RADIO COLLECTOR’S EDITION VIII, the 8th collection of JLR OS episodes are available, that means over 70,000 tracks/songs of JETLAG RADIO, more than any DJ Podcast in the world, on this planet, and in the galaxy. I hope to hear from you so that I appear on DJ MAG TOP 100 for the year 2025. Write a note: I will be in Grenoble, France from March 13 to 19, 2025. Get a hold of me if you want to invest in ZACK TECHNOLOGY LLC, or if you need me to work on your startup/company/corporation. Also, I’d love to live in Paris, France at Station F. Help me out. Thanks in advance.
02-03-2025 Due to the deterioration of America within the first 3 Weeks under Trump (#TrumpNightmareSeason2), I must stay within the United States to save it from downfall. A short trip to France is still needed for my well-being, joie-d’être, etc. As some may be aware, there are some concerns with “The Algorithm” and the JLR OS. I currently have over 8000 tracks/songs listed under JLR COLLECTOR’S EDITION VII. I need to make a few more podcasts, so that I begin JLR COLLECTOR’S EDITION VIII. This will be between JLR episodes 2700-2800. As far as what will happen once JETLAG RADIO 3000 is released, I am not too sure, but I must play it on a CDJ-3000, and have some kind of worldwide streaming rave party. It’s an option. I would like to attest that I will only stay in USA under #TrumpNightmareS2 only if I can find funding. I need to pay for my rent, bills, gas, etc. Please remember that I am well qualified, sometimes too-qualified, and people refuse to hire. Sometimes they don’t want to hire because they think health insurance costs will be too expensive. Please understand for the time being, I will remain under my wife’s health insurance, even during our divorce process. I serve at the pleasure of the Intelligence Community, and to the entities who protect the values of the United States, and its Constitution. Some want to call it the Deep State but it is not. We are here to make sure America remains the world’s Greatest Superpower, that nobody dangerous enough has access to our U.S. Nuclear Arsenal (that includes Trump and the weirdo tattoo party boy who is currently SecDef), so on and so forth. I will also continue to be a mediator between the State Department in the U.S. and Quai d’Orsay in France.
01-14-2025 Since I cannot find work in USA due to racism to my name (my name is not Indian from India, but Arabic, even though I am not Arab, therefore Indian Recruiters toss my Resume in the Trash, an illegal practice), I will go to France for a period of 4 weeks in March 2025. I hope to find work at #LaFrenchTechGrenoble. My Father wants to retire in Annecy, a town nearby. This will be a test-trial. If things work out, I will stay in Grenoble, and maybe work there for about 4 years. In 2028, I could return to USA when there’s a new (hopefully) Democratic Administration.
01-12-2025 I’ve just made a new #ContentCuration and DEBRIEF video for Monday Jan 13th 2025. Please watch. JLR 2600 might have caused some problems with JLR 2610 ought to resolve that. No DEBRIEF in a while, I’ll try to add some soon. I have left Modesto to return to Sacramento, currently separated with my wife (not my decision). Staying with the folks temporarily until I find a new place to stay. I need a new apartment, a new job, and a new car. A lot of you pry and take advantage of the good work I provide. I suggest you all take a look in the mirror and understand it’s time to help me out. For those of you who say “well if he was a Christian, I would.” you despise me. God/Universe like all of us equality. He likes Jesus as much as Jackie Chan. I prefer Zen Buddhism. Is that my fault? No. Anyway, I have listed links under my DONATE button, dropdown menu, for VENMO/PAYPAL/GOFUNDME. I also have a cash button under my Twitter (X.com) SUPERFRENCHBIGZ for Crypto, Cash App, etc. I don’t know how else to say it, it’s been 25 years of work, including past 6 years unpaid, I need help. Help me help you. Pat CEO got fired from Intel Corp. Let’s see what’s next. Hopefully I can return asap. Else, there’s always my Startup ZACK TECHNOLOGY LLC.
11/07/2024 #ElectionDay took place, and somehow, someway, Trump seem to have won the Presidential Elections, but something weird has happened. Over 20 million ballots are missing, which is how many ballots we had in 2020. This means #MAGAcult and #Project2025 folks secretly worked for the USPS. They looked at millions of votes for Biden and toss them in the trash. I’m sorry to utter those words, but Trump winning was essentially some kind of Project Mayhem and I am sure any private investigators can do a nationwide search and see it, a lot of mailing ballots ended up in the trash or destroyed. You have to do something, only less than 2 months before January, when Trump gets sworn in. Save America before it turns into Ubisoft’s The Divison 3. If Trump becomes President? Women are going to get r4ped. On a nationwide level. A lot of them in many states won’t be able to have life-saving abortions in red states. I’m literally sending an S.O.S. here. 4 more years of Trump? America won’t survive. Y’all better figure some shit out soon, because Biden/Harris/Obama/Clinton chillaxed a bit too much, and due to personal matters, my new curfew is 1AM PST. Therefore I cannot work all night while you guys sleep. Get to work, before Brennan gets a heart attack. Speaking of Brennan, wear an Apple Watch 24/7 so it calls 911 as SOS if you’re too stressed out. The situation in the Middle East continues. The Cipher Brief, share as many articles as you can before my subscription runs out. I need a new place to live, and a new job offer asap. Thanks y’all
10/16/2024 I plan on voting by mail this week. I want y’all to understand the calamity and dangers of this election. There have been reported incidents in the previous Midterm Elections where spouses were caught replacing ballots, in order to vote for the opposition. This took place in very red disctricts where people were paid money in order to vote for Trump, which is highly illegal. Do not trust anybody, including your spouse, your girlfriend/boyfriend, your sibling, your parent, relatives, friends. Fill out your ballot yourself, and mail it yourself. This election is critical. We must all vote for Kamala Harris, and everybody who gets paid $50/$100 or more just to vote for Trump is committing a felony, and facing prison time. We will not be intimidated by the #MAGAcult and #Project2025 (dangerous)
10/14/2024 serious problem in the JETLAG RADIO OS (Operating System). Cannot be resolved until a new vehicle/car is in my possession. Unable to move from JETLAG RADIO 2300 to JETLAG RADIO 2301 without something new from either #GermanEngineering, or #JDM. If Alpine Cars are willing to come to America, I would definitely be proud to drive a French vehicle, after so much stalling from our German and Japanese neighbors due to interferences from dangerous entities. In other news, I do possess an additional phone, with a San Francisco phone number. While I will continue to use iOS for personal and DJ use, my work number will have Android, for all ZACK TECHNOLOGY LLC projects, consulting, and other issues.
7/06/2024 JETLAG RADIO 2094 is the latest. Soon entering JETLAG RADIO 2100. I will need to get to JETLAG RADIO 2200 whenever I can. Need funding, and especially a new vehicle, preferably German-Engineering Sports Sedan Wagon or JDM. The Germans kept arguing over which brand would win and who I would go with. This idiocy caused them to fall out of the German Euro 2024 sooner than anticipated, because of how annoying they were. I absolutely explained the importance of myself driving a new vehicle as soon as possible, because we entered #UkraineWarDay860, and #UkraineWarDay911 is approaching. I am tired of sending warnings, I need a new car for the JLRos ASAP. Stop stalling. Whether Mercedes Benz AMG, Audi RS, Porsche GT3, or BMW M, I need something IMMEDIATELY. PRONTO. QUIT WAITING GUYS, you are jeopardizing NATIONAL SECURITY. I told you not to wait any longer, Russia is now at the head of the U.N Security Council, and you all basically look completely STUPID. Give me my fucking new car, or quit waiting and begging and asking me for help. Ideal car? Audi RS6 Avant or RS6 GT. Anything older than the year 2020 is fine. I need that SATNAV (MMI navigation, it’s the best). Anybody who refuses to let me buy a new car is considered an enemy, and working with either Russia or MOSSAD. Not helping me is going against NATO (OTAN), and French Govt. You have been warned for the last time.
5/25/2024 JLR 1956-2025 (JETLAG RADIO) is the goal, pulling an all-nighter the night before.
5/24/2024 huge problems in the JLRos. This stems from the Razer laptop crashing a few months ago. As a result, Quantum Computers, including #IntelQuantum, and #MicrosoftQuantum were not working properly. The longer it has offline, it has been a nightmare scenario, for many Q# Programming Developers/Programmers/Coders. I did everything in my power to procure a new machine, and I did, it is a Lenovo Legion laptop. I wanted a desktop, but the retail store did not carry what I wanted. This is because they kept trying to sell me a White Desktop, and I wanted a Black Desktop or Black laptop. Eventually, I did get that laptop, and it’s Glacier White (Witwicky), and not Black. I am upset, but I needed to run JLRos asap. Also, Jean-Marc Mensah (JMM) is still not answering since his last VM/msg/audio recording many years ago at a Jean-Michel Jarre concert in VR at Notre-Dame de Paris. I am basically taking care of everything, ever since 2014, when I bought Pioneer DJ headphones, and became a DJ, and got an opportunity to work for Intel Corporation, thanks to an African-American. 5/25/2024 is nine years since 2015, my first day. I have not received a paycheck since 06/01/2018. I am now waiting to hear about future decision-making, especially since it is now Intel Corp, and Intel Foundry, two seperate entities. Pat CEO is in trouble, because he put all the profits onto Intel Corp, and all the losses on Intel Foundry, which is a loophole, against the law, and will get him investigated by the DOJ, and the IRS. Unfortunately, due to the #QuantumColdWar between America, China, (not so much Russia, their computers are archaic), myself, along with other “Super Wizard” coders (hashtag #GeeksForGeeks) are in charge, while all those idiots do presentation and think they know how to fix everything even though they don’t, including beautiful women who give powerpoint presentations that the person “with a few extra pounds” was actually working on, all night. There are very few beautiful women who know what they are doing, but the majority of Victoria Secret models do NOT have a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science. They have a degree in Communications.
4/12/2024 As a result of a consultation with someone, I decided the best course of action was to do the following: after blogpost JLR/BR 1200, every following blogpost will be named by dates. That means Day of the Week, Month, Day of the Month, and Year. I was inspired by OM Malik, one of our elders in the Tech Community. This is necessary to preserve the integrity of the JLR OS algorithm so that it does not go haywire. Also, with the number of JLR at 1817, there is no way I could catch up. In our battle with “Higgs” as we prepare for DS2, writing scripts, scenarios, this was necessary. Using Quantum Mechanics, and metaphors, after I defeated ANUBIS on MARS in Zone of the Enders 2: The 2nd Runner, I’m afraid this software I wrote became more dangerous than AlphaGO itself. Everything will calm down, just in time for next month, May 2024, my birthday. Needless to say, can’t wait for the Half-Life Remake Trilogy including Half Life 3 confirmed, because after it comes out and I livestream it, if Obama thought his 8 years of tenure was hard, wait until I show him what we’ve all been through at “Black Mesa.” (expression, picture Gordon Freeman with a crowbar, after a science/research experiment gone wrong at underground research facility, trying to reach the surface, all while noticing a weird man known as the G-MAN (i.e. Elon Musk & Neuralink), all-powerful, who knows all.) PS. Microsoft/Apple/Linux can vouch for this DEBRIEF.
3/30/2024 JLR 1774-1780 episodes coming soon. Then, major update to 1800. For the month of April 2024, I will have to upgrade all the way to 1900 and 2000, until 2025. This will take some time this month of April/May 2024. These updates can come faster if I receive funds, and especially if I receive a new vehicle/car with a SATNAV (GPS) and an updated dashboard. My favorite MMI is from Audi. Preferably a newer A6/S6, A7, S7, A8, S8, or RS6 Avant / RS7 from the year 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, or 2024. Thank you for your help. Donate to my VENMO/PAYPAL/GoFundMe/BuyMeACoffee portals by going to my linktree page. This is very important.
3/18/2024 there will be a major update of blogposts from JLR 1131 to JLR 1146 over the next couple of weeks. Please remember that hardly almost zero donations were donated to my PAYPAL/VENMO/GoFundMe/BuyMeACoffee portals, therefore, the updates will arrive sporadically. With an allowance of a mere $550 per month & credit card limit of $300/month, this will take some time. Thank you for understanding. The dates were added as future timeline. PS. Using Quantum Mechanics, an interpreter who works with an U.S Army Drill Sergeant actually said, “listen motherfucker, get to the 1142 asap.” Sir, yes sir. About my paycheck? Okay, don’t shoot me but, it’s been 25 years of work, I would like to buy a new car please, I never have. Thanks.
3/16/2024 Zack Technology is now a LLC that I, myself, Zaki Ahmad Qayoumi (aka Zack) owns. I’ve created everything on this website since April 2014, do not trust anybody who is collecting money on my behalf except the URLs I have provided on my LinkTree and the cash icon on my Twitter (IAMZAKI) profile. Thank you.
3/14/2024 After over an entire week of resting my eyes at the request of the Chief Executive Officer aka Hospital Administrator, I am eager to raise awareness in the very few days we have left, before the elections inside Russia on 3/15/2024. There are suggestions that Putin is currently pointing WMDs from Space, causing a ruckus, such as forcing USA/Britain/Germany/Italy not to want #Ukraine into NATO even after all the amount of work that was put in. France is basically taking the initative to stay strong, while the other 4 figure out a way to alleviate “blackmail.” In addition, younger fans who love the podcast JLR and who only had access to TUMBLR.com, will be rejoiced that I have updated edmlibrary.com a little further on. Enjoy. PS. Please understand that my type of work would cause the average person an aneurysm, do not attempt, I am a Professional.
1/12/2024 working from JLR 1680 towards 1700. That’s about 20 more podcasts. Just added THETA RADIO (Classical music). Latino Music radio station coming up later as well. Entire essay regarding the importance of Netanyahu being arrested by the ICC due to genocide towards Palestine pretty much written. It is in multiple parts but I can put them back all together. I can submit the “term paper” to The Economist, Foreign Policy Magazine, Foreign Affairs Magazine, and Le Monde diplomatique. I am trying to bundle it with the importance of the Two State Solution.
12/01/2023 JLR 1600 added, and it’s a major new podcast. No new podcasts until funding for a new vehicle. I absolutely need a new car with an INFOTAINMENT system to be able to listen to JETLAG RADIO episodes and other podcasts. Preferably a German-Engineering vehicle: an Audi A7 (or BMW equivalent), RS6 Avant, or RS7. The Audi A8 is no longer in production for the rest of the year. The Audi A9 has been announced for a few years into the future, but is very expensive, and not within the realm of my budget. Please visit my GoFundMe page to make a $1 or $5 or $10 (or more) donation. Thank you for your help in supporting me this holiday season given the past 8 years amount of work I’ve spent on this website, podcasts, and etc. Merry Christmas.
11/27/2023 Adding my podcasts to Amazon Music App. Unable to add to YouTube Music, the software transfer app said YouTube Music limits to 10 playlists per day.
11/26/2023 SPECIAL THANKSGIVING DEBRIEF: JETLAG RADIO AND OTHER PODCASTS have been transferred to Deezer Music App for my french fans and supporters. I have also added them to Apple Music. Username: iamzaki (edit: the apple music transfer has some glitches, I will have to try again later).
11/08/2023 URGENT DEBRIEF: MAJOR JLR OS UPGRADE THIS WEEK: JLR #1500-#1600. Edit: OS upgrade completed.
9.20.2023 MU/OMEGA/DISCO/BETA RADIO EPISODES/LEVELS 182-191 have been uploaded to Spotify. The next thing to do will be LAMBDA/QUANTUM/GT/TECHNO RADIO EPISODES/LEVELS 182-191. Afterwards, I can provide new EPSILON RADIO episodes (Country Music). GT RADIO takes precedence as well, as I work towards GT RADIO episode 651, which will be created thanks to numerous Drum N Bass DJs, some from the RESPECT DNB Posse. I have posted number blogpost updates, currently at 962. I’m doing my best to get to 970, and eventually 980. My goal is to keep moving forward, as I hope to win the NISMO GT-R from TunerCult contest, and dedicate it to my daughter Audrey (miscarriage), or if I win the 80EIGHTY DCG #67 Lambo, opt for the money, and buy an Audi RS7 or BMW M3. I have not received a paycheck in almost 2000 days (#IntelCorp false promises, ghost jobs), only receive a few hundred of dollars per month, therefore, I am doing my best, but please understand I am working at my leisure because I have not received donations to my Paypal. I’ve made 2 recent YouTube videos, and hope to make a few more soon, just when I sound less depressed.
08.27.2023 JLR episode 1400 was uploaded to Spotify. The OS should be stabilized. I’d like to personality thank Ministry Of Sound (UK Label) for adding part of their catalogue to Spotify. Whoever this British person is, thank you. I know there are concerns for JLR episode 1500, but that’s a problem for another day. When that day comes, I’ll do my best to get to 1600, which is why we need more dance music labels to join Spotify. There’s also an old magazine from the UK I think? that I used to read. It was called HEAVY (it’s not the new heavy metal magazine). It was just a fun magazine to read, and there was a mix cd every month. I used to love reading this thing, and sadly I threw all my copies away. If you can tell those guys to re-build or re-edition this magazine, it would be awesome. Thank you. Might be a rock n roll / alternative magazine, not too sure. NATO forces doing an awesome job as always, thank you to the Netherlands for providing their Fighter Jets.
08.25.2023 Regarding JLR episode 1300 coming up, it shouldn’t affect the OS, but I understand some people who are superstitious therefore, I plan on immediately “hurrying the fuck up” and make lots of new podcasts to reach episode 1400. It’s a lot of intensive work, please remember that nobody is providing funding, and I get a very small allowance per month, the majority goes to funding my new MBP (please remember I waited 8 years for this laptop upgrade). Please remember, I don’t want to hear any complaints when I provided a link “Coffee” for people to send me coffee gift cards (for years), and the only person in the world who was willing to support my endeavors, is my wife.
08.16.2023 Concerning the JLR Operating System, I will have to work tirelessly soon to upgrade the blog from 938 to 953 over the next week or so. I’ll go into high gear. I will then also need to go from 953 to 973 after a small pause. From then on, it’s somewhat smooth sailing until the 980s blogposts, and the big one, blogpost number 1000.
07.08.2023 Due to the JETLAG RADIO Operating System (OS), I had to increase the number of blogpost to #924. As you know, we are currently at JLR episode 1228. I just wrote JLR 906 BR 906. I have tons to write to get to episode 912, as asked politely by some important policymakers and advisors. Eventually, I will get to 924, and beyond on a weekly basis. I was advised by JOCKO to explain my thought-process and write a debrief to keep people in the loop since a couple of people were somewhat freaking out.. I have excellent news for fellow DJs & Producers. I have Logic Pro latest version on my laptop now. Hell to the yeah. Ukraine War day 500, important milestone and congratulations to NATO forces for such a important day in the conflict. I don’t want Satya to get upset. Please understand that Tim Cook’s technology helps my thought process tremendously. Whenever I receive a paycheck from SAP, AMD, or even Intel Corp (if they wake up), I will grab a Surface Book 5 for more Q# Programming. Also, the reason why JETLAG RADIO and its other podcasts, along with written content is so powerful is because its content was utilized to create Nuclear Fusion via reverse engineering. The EV community wants to also hear more about the revolution in Level 1 through 5 autopilot technology which has quietly being building for the past 10 years, and the next 10-20 years. While Tesla’s tech is a bit BS but yet very promising, Waymo is infinitely stronger. I will need to include more Bloomberg CityLab articles for status updates on that subject.