Thursday, August 29th, 2024

Ten Reasons Why Neurologists Should Refer Patients With Alzheimer Dementia to Music Therapy [NIH] #MusicTherapy #Dementia #Neurology

The effects of videogame playing on neuropsychological performance of elderly individuals [NIH] #VideoGamingTherapy

Biomaterial-based delivery platforms for transdermal immunotherapy [NIH] #nanotechnology #musculardystrophy

Pain in Parkinson's Disease: Pathophysiology, Classification and Treatment [NIH] #ParkinsonsDisease

Maternal recorded voice played to preterm infants in incubators reduces her own depression, anxiety and stress: a pilot randomized control trial [NIH] #preterminfants

Prosthetic reconstruction following resection of lower extremity bone neoplasms: A systematic review and meta-analysis [NIH] #prosthetic

Genome assembly HuRefPrime [NIH] #HumanGenome

Draw & Doodle Simulation: A colorful strategy to prepare medical teams for electronic dance music festival emergencies [NIH] #EMTsAtEDMconcerts

Skin Development and Disease: A Molecular Perspective [NIH] #SkinDisease

Long COVID still has no cure - so these patients are turning to research [NIH] #LongCOVID


What’s up, everybody! It’s Thursday, August 29th, 2024. I’m around JETLAG RADIO 2280. Please vote for myself, ZAKI QAYOUMI, in DJ MAG TOP 100 DJs poll at . If I win, I could afford a coffee giftcard and go to my favorite coffee shop, Blue Bottle Coffee, when they open a location close to my city. Thanks!

Until Next Time!