Thursday, August 22nd, 2024

War in Gaza: find out how we’re responding [Médecins Sans Frontières aka MSF] #GazaGenocide #GazaCeasefire #TwoStateSolution #Truce

What is EDS? [EDS Society] #TheEhlersDanlosSociety #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #RaisingAwareness #FightingDiscrimination

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome [NIH] #RaisingAwareness #FightingDiscrimination

Nanotechnology-empowered therapeutics targeting neurodegenerative diseases [NIH] #Nanotechnology

National Cancer Institute - Nanodelivery Systems and Devices [NIH] #Nanotechnology

Nanotechnology of inhalable vaccines for enhancing mucosal immunity [NIH]

NIH-funded study finds long COVID affects adolescents differently than younger children [NIH]

Supplements slow disease progression during late stage of “dry” age-related macular degeneration [NIH]

Management of neuropsychiatric symptoms in dementia [NIH]

Disparities found in survival benefits for people receiving bystander CPR for cardiac arrest: NIH-funded study found Black adults and women had fewer gains. [NIH]

Ending Structural Racism [NIH]

Blood test shows promise in predicting presymptomatic disease progression in people at risk of familial Alzheimer's [NIH]

Seventh patient ‘cured’ of HIV: why scientists are excited [Nature] this technology could have not being possible without stem cells, to read more about stem cells, look for official documentaries from Science TV channels.

High cholesterol, other factors shown to increase risk for ALS [NIH]


What’s up, everybody! It’s Thursday, August 22nd, 2024. Thursdays might be ladies night for some, but it’s also Medical Journals day to enjoy reading for millions of us. Let’s delve into it. Enjoy.