Matthew Ball on the metaverse: We’ve never seen a shift this enormous [Protocol]
Lawyer's plan for Trump to overturn 2020 election included firing acting AG [AXIOS]
Find the closest unionized Starbucks to you with this map [Quartz]
Amazon executives have discussed ditching Amazon Basics to appease regulators [Recode]
We haven’t found alien life yet — but the James Webb Space Telescope could change that [TheNextWeb]
Netflix’s ‘Iron Chef’ Upsells the Glory of Winning a Cooking Competition [Eater]
Why Do 'Data' and 'A.I.' Always Go Together?For business owners and decision makers, it's critical to understand the loop between data and machine learning. [Inc.]
Allergies lasting longer? Blame light pollution [Fast Company]
The Magic of Working in a Coffee Shop (And Why It Exists) [Medium]
Where Most Travelers Are Heading in Summer 2022 (and Why) [Entrepreneur]
The Best Accessories for Your PlayStation 5 [WIRED]
This Week in Space 20 [TWIT]
A search for bold ideas to drive climate action [Google Blog]
Towards Reliability in Deep Learning Systems [Google AI Blog]
Subscribe [Lapham’s Quarterly]
How artificial intelligence is changing astronomy [Astronomy Magazine]
8 Proven Strategies To Help You Get Salesforce Certification Ready [Salesforce 360 Blog]
SAP Business Network: The World's Most Vibrant Ecosystem [SAP]
What’s up, everybody! Here are JETLAG RADIO 569 & BENKYO RADIO 569.
I trust Scully and nobody else. -Mulder
Until Next Time!