• Meet the chief people officer who wants to hire 4,000 employees in 2022 despite industry layoffs [Protocol]

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  • Extreme weather hit Australia and Japan. Flooding has forced thousands to evacuate Sydney, while temperatures in Tokyo on Saturday crossed the 95-degree Fahrenheit mark for the eighth straight day amid a record-breaking heat wave. [Quartz]

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  • 4 Must-Watch Movies and TV Shows for Entrepreneurs This Summer [Inc.]

  • This is how playing video games can be good for teams, according to science [Fast Company]

  • Coinbase Institute Research: Crypto Prices and Market Efficiency [Medium] #COINBASE

  • How to Deal With the Most Annoying Person in the World (Your Past Self) [Entrepreneur]

  • Climate Change Breaks Plant Immune Systems. Can They Be Rebooted? [WIRED]

  • This Week in Enterprise Tech Episode 500 [TWIT]

  • Preserving languages and the stories behind them [Google Blog]

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  • Is Your Company Getting Hit by the Supply Chain Crisis? Try These Tactics [Salesforce 360 Blog]

  • Fun in the cloud — Virgin Megastore uses SAP to deliver cool, new entertaining products and feel-good shopping experiences to customers anywhere. [SAP]

What’s up, everybody! Here are JETLAG RADIO 555 & BENKYO RADIO 555.

I am going to say this as politely as I can, and it’s for the sake of fathers and mothers of these crazy wild teenagers who never seem to listen. I want you to pay close attention: if you are doing a TikTok, while operating a motor vehicle, you have a death-wish. Do NOT do it. A few years ago, a dear good friend of mine used to take all these Snapchat videos while driving, until I gave her an angry emoticon, reminding her politely that she has a husband who loves her very much, and children that depend on her. Thankfully, eventually she stopped, and only makes videos when the car is stopped, or when her husband is driving. Now, please, teenagers, do NOT text and drive. You simply do not comprehend that when you are in a vehicle with 5 other people, you get distracted easily, your sole focus is driving. Now, after driving 5 years, after driving 10 years, yeah, you can do a few dance moves while driving and smile with your friend. But when you have 6 months of experience driving and you’re driving without a care in the world, what the fuck do you think will happen? As always, CHP is doing their various campaigns to show the importance of wearing a seat-belt, to not drink and drive, to not text-and-drive. I need you to understand, going to have fun at events are great and what not, but as I have said it before on this blog, what is the point if you don’t make it home in one piece? Please do it for the sanity of your parents. It takes a split-second to have life-long consequences. Please be careful out there. Thank you.

Until Next Time!