Monday, August 26th, 2024

Israel and Hizbullah play with fire: They both attempt escalating attacks that fall short of all-out war [The Economist]

Kamala Harris is running on vibes [1843 Magazine]

When Resentment Is Building on Your Team [Harvard Business Review]

Matthew Perry's death reveals Hollywood's ketamine 'wild west' [BBC News]

Putin Meets With Commanders as Zelenskyy Speaks of ‘Fair Peace’ [Bloomberg] I am eager to witness Ukraine’s victory in the region, and pushing Russian Forces back towards Russia. Unfortunately, flying drones into buildings within Russia will infuriate Putin in a matter where he might use nuclear weapons. I suggest, you simply work on a peace process and end the conflict, because while Russia seems weak, you know full well that Putin could literally push a button and immediately pulverize the entire Ukrainian country. Therefore, let both sides stop their #MilitaryIndustrialComplex fluffing, and focus on preventing another 20 year conflict in the Middle East, placing both East and West on upset behavior. #Diplomacy #Backchannels #UnitedNationsSpeaking

Russia launches massive missile and drone attack on Ukraine, Kyiv says [Reuters] unfortunately, this is an expected response due to the calamity of a few berserk Ukrainian soldiers. Instead of celebrating their 33rd anniversary, Putin is going to escalate the conflict. This is very unfortunate. Both sides needed to calm down for #UkraineWarDay911, and they did not.

Up to 200 people killed in attack in central Burkina Faso [AL-Jazeera News]

Can Kamala Harris’ Campaign Solve the Latino Turnout Problem? [The New Yorker] of course, with the power of #SaveDACA

What’s in a productivity system? / On The Vergecast: 9 different ways to get things done, with a little help from The Verge’s staff. [The Verge]

What you need to know about the new Covid-19 vaccine [Vox]

In 2024, it really is better to run a startup in San Francisco, according to data and founders who’ve relocated [TechCrunch]

AI could be a game changer for people with disabilities [MIT Technology Review]

Work apps have turned into a total nightmare [Business Insider]

De Diambars au FC Barcelone, te voici Breton ✅ ✍️ Véritable promesse du football sénégalais, le défenseur Mikayil Faye rejoint le SRFC en provenance du Barça. #DegemerMatMikayil

[LinkedIn] #StadeRennais #SRFC

FBI informant’s book predicts far-right violence: ‘we should be afraid’ [The Guardian] told y’all the #MAGAcult was a KKK front. Now they’re all facing decade or more years in prison because one of their most dangerous member got 20 years in prison. Thank God the Federal Bureau of Investigation finally took their dangerous activities seriously, it was time to act.

This Year Is on Track to Be the Deadliest Ever for Humanitarian Workers [New York Times]

I Love This 'Magical' Tech Product So Much That I Own Two Of Them [Huffington Post]

21 Minutes in the Buttigieg Bubble [The Atlantic] “Pete basically said “I don’t have to listen to your shit, I am a Military Veteran and a Democrat, if I was not gay, I would be the next President or on the Ticket.”” #commotion #discrimination

5 primaries to watch in Florida and Alaska [FiveThirtyEight]

How busing, school desegregation shaped Kamala Harris’s views of race [Washington Post]


Our galaxy might crash into Andromeda. What would happen to us? [Mashable] this was my question in Astronomy Class back in University all those years ago, everybody laughed and rolled their eyes, do not worry, we won’t face this for another 4 billion years. Thankfully, someday, I will find time to enjoy MASS EFFECT: ANDROMEDA, until the next iteration, will ought to include Multiplayer and CO-OP. Because nobody wants to let us play together.

At DNC, the Squad Warns Democrats to Wake Up to the Threat of AIPAC [The Intercept_]

What life is like when your brain can't recognize faces [National Geographic]

Former national security adviser says he won’t work for Trump again [NPR]

California bills impacting K-12 graduation requirements, overdraft fees and tortillas roll forward [CapRadioNews]

Les batailles du rail [Le Monde diplomatique]

Democrats’ Gaza Policy Is Repelling Arab American Voters [Foreign Policy]

How Synthetic Biology Could Destabilize the World [Foreign Affairs]

A Gen-Z Revolution in Pakistan Will Have to Wait [The Diplomat]

Assessing the ‘Last Opportunity’ for a Gaza Ceasefire Deal [The Cipher Brief] #GazaGenocide #GazaCeaseFire #IsraelPalestineTruceNeeded #TwoStateSolution

Diminishing Dark Energy May Evade the ‘Swampland’ of Impossible Universes [Quanta Magazine]

Ici, nous voyons les tests au niveau des plaquettes CROCv2 pour le détecteur de pixels @CMSexperiment Chaque plaquette de silicium contient 136 puces de lecture conçues pour résister aux conditions difficiles rencontrées dans les collisionneurs. Vingt plaquettes CROCv2 ont été produites par TSMC, le plus grand fabricant de semi-conducteurs au monde. Plus de 300 plaquettes supplémentaires seront produites pour construire le nouveau détecteur de pixels CMS, appelé Inner Tracker. [CERN_FR]

NASA Moves Artemis II Rocket Adapter, Prepares for Shipment [NASA]

Petitions are growing to send an INTERPOL RED NOTICE on Netanyahu [INTERPOL]

Around the World in 45 Hours [Air & Space Force Forces Magazine] please understand, 45 hours is endurance. 45 hours does not equate Trump 45, quite possibly the worst President the United States ever faced. To be a Commander-in-Chief, you need to be alert and read your Intelligence Briefings, just like 44, and 46, and for 47 (VP Harris, assuming she wins her election in November 2024, if people don’t vote, America will NOT survive another Trump experiment).

So Long Cheap Supra: The 2025 Toyota GR Supra Drops 4-Cylinder Option [Motortrend] #SUPERSTREET this is really sad, the price increased, and the 4-door version still does not exist.


PPS. I don’t want that fucking WSJ subscription. I want my “Le Monde” subscription back. How much money you guys are all making over my misery sickens me. All I wanted was a German-Engineering vehicle. JDM will probably win due to your insults.

What’s up, everybody! Shoutout to the Morning, Afternoon, and Evening Crowds! Listen up! Blinken is exhausted because of Netanyahu’s stupidity, go into the future (present for me) and watch my latest YouTube video. We need that Ceasefire. A war between Israel and Lebanon will create a giant quagmire in the entire Middle East region. I have already used Quantum Mechanics to explain to you what could go wrong if someone tries to do something stupid from either sides, with Missile SILOs in both Israel and Iran. Diffuse the situation. Tell Netanyahu to stop escalating the situation. The goal was a ceasefire between Israel and Palestine. Tell the United Nations I will do another live-coverage translation for what they’re saying at the UN Security Council, playing Dragon Ball Z or God of War. You do not want to keep acting like a bunch of children, you idiots almost destroyed the planet time and time again, I will ask “Supreme Kai” to tell all of y’all to calm the fuck down, we lost 18,000,000 to COVID19, do you want to see the statistics for Africa if they don’t vaccinate the continent from MONKEYPOX? Stop pissing MSF off. Make the vaccine patent-free, and help out the WORLD: Planet Earth. No more fresh water in 20 years at the rate we’re going by the way.

I’m starting to realize that people really really really want me to tell everybody to FUCK OFF and play MASS EFFECT LEGENDARY EDITION and livestream it. I understand y’all, N7 is calling, and I have to answer the call. #CommanderShepard.

Until Next Time!

Friday, August 23rd, 2024

Norwegian Noise: Meet 10 of Oslo's Most Pivotal Underground Acts [Beatportal]

“Sounds better with armour on”: deadmau5 gets suitably suited and booted as he plays Teenage Engineering’s medieval-themed EP-1320 while dressed as a knight [Computer Music]

“It was a culture shock. America at the time was kind of racially divided – while in the UK, there were 5,000 white kids going crazy to my music”: Juan Atkins remembers the early '90s rave scene [Future Music]


The history of the White Isle: How did Ibiza become a party island? [Mixmag]

Meet the Underground Talent of Outside Lands: Jackie Hollander [Dancing Astronaut]

Above & Beyond and Zoë Johnston Reunite for Instant Classic “Crazy Love” [Your EDM]

Flour Power: Inside the Creative Oven of Sofi Tukker's Steamy New Album, "BREAD" [EDM]

Rave Jesus Brings New Life to Dante Bowe’s “Not Hopeless” [EDM Sauce]

What’s up, everybody! TGIF! It’s Friday, August 23rd, 2024. If you look at my VLOGs on my YouTube channel, you can see the latest videos from me. Enjoy

Thursday, August 22nd, 2024

War in Gaza: find out how we’re responding [Médecins Sans Frontières aka MSF] #GazaGenocide #GazaCeasefire #TwoStateSolution #Truce

What is EDS? [EDS Society] #TheEhlersDanlosSociety #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #RaisingAwareness #FightingDiscrimination

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome [NIH] #RaisingAwareness #FightingDiscrimination

Nanotechnology-empowered therapeutics targeting neurodegenerative diseases [NIH] #Nanotechnology

National Cancer Institute - Nanodelivery Systems and Devices [NIH] #Nanotechnology

Nanotechnology of inhalable vaccines for enhancing mucosal immunity [NIH]

NIH-funded study finds long COVID affects adolescents differently than younger children [NIH]

Supplements slow disease progression during late stage of “dry” age-related macular degeneration [NIH]

Management of neuropsychiatric symptoms in dementia [NIH]

Disparities found in survival benefits for people receiving bystander CPR for cardiac arrest: NIH-funded study found Black adults and women had fewer gains. [NIH]

Ending Structural Racism [NIH]

Blood test shows promise in predicting presymptomatic disease progression in people at risk of familial Alzheimer's [NIH]

Seventh patient ‘cured’ of HIV: why scientists are excited [Nature] this technology could have not being possible without stem cells, to read more about stem cells, look for official documentaries from Science TV channels.

High cholesterol, other factors shown to increase risk for ALS [NIH]


What’s up, everybody! It’s Thursday, August 22nd, 2024. Thursdays might be ladies night for some, but it’s also Medical Journals day to enjoy reading for millions of us. Let’s delve into it. Enjoy.

Wenesday, August 21st, 2024

Cette semaine, 2 nouvelles entrées en playlist : 13'Organisé - Bande organisé 2 [SKYROCK FM]

La Fouine métamorphosé, sa ressemblance avec Mohammed Henni amuse les fans [13Or du Hip Hop]

Yasiin Bey Unable to Reenter the United States [HYPEBEAST]

Machine Gun Kelly Recalls 'Heartbreaking' Moment With Daughter That Made Him Quit Drugs [HipHopDX]

Mary J. Blige Drops Hot New Single “Breathing” Feat. Fabolous [The Source]

14 Rappers Who Are Still Supporting Donald Trump [XXL Magazine] these people are now considered #MAGAcult, and receive zero sympathy from me.

Democratic National Convention 2024: Live Updates [The SOURCE]


What’s up, everybody, it’s Wednesday, August 21st, 2024. I am incredibly happy to have seen this interview with Commander Ahmad, son of Ahmad Shah Massoud. He is the Leader of the Northern Alliance, just like his father was. I really like Shawn Ryan, it’s nice to put a face to a name. The reason why Shawn Ryan is so famous, is because he was the creator of my beloved TV show, The UNIT, which never got a 5th season or more. Neither did they get a movie. By the way, apologies that my update is a little late, I have less than $500 per month as budget, which can explain to you the severity of how upset I am because I do everything on this website, everybody expects updates, and nobody is ready to invest except my father, and my wife. I’ve worked on this website since 2013/2014, when I bought Pioneer DJ Headphones from Guitar Center. Therefore, people should NEVER complain about delays, I do my best, and I politely asked for help, and did not receive it. I specifically said I needed a new vehicle, and I did not get it. I did not ask for a BENTLEY, that’s a bit too flashy, but I do need a new car with a new SATNAV. Anyway, Shawn Ryan created one of the greatest TV shows ever, and inspired me a lot. I don’t personally really agree with his religion push, but I respect it. I am fully aware that lots of Military folks and veterans rely on a Chaplain for guidance, just like I enjoy looking at the stars and talk to “Cybertron” if you know what I mean. Look, this man created one of the most amazing series of all time, and he had a small budget. There ought to be a sequel, or a movie, or a reboot, fuck it, DO A GODDAMN CARTOON/ANIME, YES I SAID IT. Back to Commander Ahmad, I know that the Northern Alliance will rise again, thanks to my power. Just as I have discussed #QuantumMechanics, remember JETLAG RADIO 128, and now ZETA RADIO 128? Well, JLR is now at 2249, and is immensely powerful. In similar fashion, I have politely asked every backchannels to explain to these Taliban annoying motherfuckers to please let women, children, teenagers, boys and girls, men and women, to please live in Peace and Harmony, once and for all. I’ve seen the technology from the U.S. Air Force, you don’t want to know all the latest gadgets from DARPA. Some of those weapons are so dangerous, they could literally vaporize all of Afghanistan within 5 seconds. Therefore, pretty please, tell the Talibans to play nice, because Afghanistan deserves Peace, just like Ukraine deserves Peace. Are you telling me because Ukraine have women that look like Victoria Secret models and Afghanistan does not, they have no attention? Yes, Palestinians are getting lots of attention. That’s because I danced with one at a nightclub. Do you need me to dance with a fucking Afghan woman at the club and take a photo with a bottle of Grey Goose to get some fucking attention? Raise awareness goddamn, Afghanistan has been ignored for the past 3 years, it’s insulting. Everybody won’t shut up about helping Palestine, and I will, but godfuckingdamnit, I’m ethnically from Afghanistan, everybody gossiped about this fucking ordeal. Anyway, let me do my fucking job as an “Analyst/Project Manager’ and give me some time off to also play some CYBERPUNK 2077. Fuck. PPS. More MGS V livestreams in the future, for sure.

Tuesday, August 20th, 2024

Teen Builds His Own Nuclear Fusion Reactor At College []

Biden at DNC: Gaza war protesters "have a point" [AXIOS]

Multiple flaws in Microsoft macOS apps unpatched despite potential risks [TechMeme] Microsoft is at fault, and refuses to patch the issue because it’s on macOS. This is after 70% of all Windows 10 machines are vulnerable.

A gas station in the desert charges $8.59 per gallon — and says don't complain about it [Quartz]

What AI in music can — and can’t — do [Vox]

Robot coaches are reading brain signals to support stroke rehabilitation [TheNextWeb]

Put Tomatoes on Your Ice Cream [Eater]

Entrepreneurs' Biggest Pain Point to Take Center Stage at the Democratic National ConventionWhile the inflationary spiral has ceased, prices remain too high. Business owners want answers. [Inc.]

These industries might benefit most from a 4-day workweek [Fast Company]

25 Years of Hard Work Deserve a German-Engineered Reward: Why I Deserve an Audi RS6 Avant GT or BMW M5 Touring ASAP [Medium] #Audi #BMW #RS6Avant #M5Touring #TheDecision2024

How to Start a Multi-Million Dollar Company, According to an IBM Engineer Turned Founder [Entrepreneur] are you serious? Multi-Million Dollar Company? What does she have that I don’t? Did she suck someone’s dick to get this far? This is ridiculous. IKEA? Is this some kind of sick joke?

The Pentagon Is Planning a Drone ‘Hellscape’ to Defend Taiwan [WIRED]

This Week in Tech 993 [TWIT]

Gemini makes your mobile device a powerful AI assistant [Google Blog]

Transformers in music recommendation [Google Research]

The Same Moon Shines on All: The Lives and Selected Poems of Yanagawa Seigan and Kōran [Poetry Foundation]

Mars could have oceans’ worth of liquid water buried in its crust [Astronomy Magazine]

SAP BTP: Closing the Gap Between Insights and Actions with SAP Signavio, SAP LeanIX [SAP] #IwantToWorkAtSAP

What’s up, everybody! It’s Tuesday, August 20th, 2024. Here’s a great unboxing video from myself from my VLOG regarding MLB The Show ‘24 N*GRO-LEAGUES EDITION. Because I had to put my foot down and say it’s time to eradicate and destroy the #MAGAcult once and for all. Every American needs to respect every African-American in America, not simply hollywood stars and musicians, but every one of them in uniform, especially Charles C.Q. Brown, 21st Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (after his promotion). Thanks in advance.

Note: this entry was created on a MacBook Pro. Just like the majority of all of them.

Monday, August 19th, 2024

Democratic National Convention: Day 1 [YouTube]

Meet our Progressive Champions [Our Revolution]

Rep. AOC Files Articles of Impeachment Against Supreme Court Justices Thomas and Alito [TIME]

What next after Ukraine’s shock invasion of Russia? [The Economist]

The strange case of the disappearing football team [1843 Magazine]

The Democratic convention hopes to keep Kamalamentum going [The Economist Podcasts]

Launching the Blue Peace Index [The EIU] #FreshWaterShortageCataclysmIn20years

The Legacy Company’s Guide to Innovation [Harvard Business Review]

Ceasefire talks may be last chance to free hostages, says Blinken [BBC News]

Lamborghini Temerario Hybrid Replaces Huracán Supercar [Bloomberg]

Blinken warns Israel, Hamas of last chance to end Gaza war [Reuters]

Aid worker deaths soared after Israel launched latest war on Gaza: UN [AL-Jazeera News]

The Kamala Show [New Yorker] at least, with Kamala Harris in charge, she’ll actually be working, unlike Trump eating KFC and watching Fox News

Eric Schmidt says the quiet part out loud / The AI industry is running the same playbook Silicon Valley pioneered a long time ago. [The Verge]

People are falling in love with — and getting addicted to — AI voices [Vox]

Google takes on OpenAI with Gemini Live [TechCrunch]

Fighting fatphobia [MIT Technology Review]

'Fortnite' is coming back to the iPhone after a 4-year ban — but just in Europe. Apple will fight to keep it that way. [Business Insider]

With ADE 2024 on the horizon, the buzz is steadily building. Now is the time for countless electronic music lovers to map their trip to Amsterdam. As you prepare for a week full of sounds and insights, don’t forget that the journey itself is part of the adventure. If you visit ADE from afar and need to arrange a flight, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines Royal Dutch Airlines is your go-to airline for a smooth and enjoyable travel experience. Remember, travelling well isn’t just about collecting stamps in your passport — it’s about enjoying every step of the journey. 🛩 Elevate your ADE and travel experience by hitting the link: — who knows, you might be the lucky one to score an ADE upgrade! [LinkedIn] #ADE2024

Biden’s Gaza policy is a liability for Kamala Harris. She must break with Biden now [The Guardian] #GazaGenocide #GazaCeasefire #TwoStateSolution

Blinken Says Talks Are ‘Maybe the Last’ Chance for Gaza Cease-Fire [New York Times]

Hillary Clinton: Kamala Harris Can Smash The Glass Ceiling ‘Once And For All’ [Huffington Post]

The Mistake That Could Cost Trump the Election [The Atlantic]

Can Harris win back Biden's Israel-Gaza critics? [FiveThirtyEight]

Biden passes the torch to Harris on first night of DNC [The Washington Post]

Netanyahu agreed to US proposal to bridge gap in Gaza ceasefire talks, Blinken says [Le Monde]

Parents need to talk to their kids about this online danger right now [Mashable]

“Ketamine Queen” Arrested for Matthew Perry’s Death [VICE News] I am so mad about Matthew Perry’s death. All he wanted to do is drink Coffee with his friends on Thursdays.

Inside the Push to Get Palestinian Speakers on the DNC Main Stage [The Intercept_]

How better posture can improve your overall health [National Geographic]

DOD's 2023 Fire Prevention Program of the Year Focuses on Building Community Relationship [D.O.D. Blog]

Oregon High (Full Episode) | Drugs, Inc: The Fix [Nat Geo]

President Biden tells the DNC, 'I love my job, but I love my country more' [NPR]

Sacramento's teen nicotine crisis: Battling vaping addiction [CapRadioNews]

L’Afrique du Sud, les Juifs et l’apartheid [Le Monde diplomatique]

What Harris Can Take From Obama’s Very First Convention Speech [Foreign Policy]

The Perils of Isolationism: The World Still Needs America—and America Still Needs the World [Foreign Affairs]

Time for Japan and Germany to Step Up [The Diplomat]

America’s National Security Wake-Up Call [The Cipher Brief]

The Webb Telescope Further Deepens the Biggest Controversy in Cosmology [Quanta Magazine]

Voici l'un des aimants supraconducteurs destinés au futur Centre de recherche sur les antiprotons et les ions (FAIR) de @FAIRGSIen (Allemagne) via [CERN_FR]

What’s Up: August 2024 Skywatching Tips from NASA [NASA]

Mercedes-AMG reorganizes Motorsport division and plans to take over part of HWA AG [Mercedes Blog]

A feast for the senses: upgrade for the Audi RS 3 [Audi MediaCenter]

Kalmar 9X9 condenses 40 years of Porsche 911 ideas into one package [Autoblog]

BMW M5 Touring Displayed at Laguna Seca [BMW Blog]

Milestone at the Nürburgring: Sheldon van der Linde claims the 100th DTM victory for BMW [DTM]

Requirements (BoP etc.,) for each car for Round 5 Suzuka [Super GT]

Multiple Petitions have been sent around offices worldwide calling for a RED NOTICE on Netanyahu due to the Genocide in Gaza, there were over 40,000 dead Palestinians and over 90,000 injured [INTERPOL]

‘Devil Raiders’ Resolve Chaos, Get Fighters Going at Massive Exercise [Air & Space Forces Magazine]

Subaru’s Project Midnight Is a Monster. Could It Preview a Future STI? [Motortrend] I’ve been nonchalant from SUBARU for a while, but since no other car manufacturers wanted to help me with my predicament, because everybody was basically gambling over which car brand would win my vote of approval, I will gladly drive a donated SUBARU WRX STI with Sequential Paddleshifts on the steering wheel, as featured in Initial D, MF Ghost, and would love to talk to the woman who gave me the brochure at a Car Show at CAL EXPO a few years ago in Sacramento, California. PS. Gotta have a great SATNAV.

Super Street The Game [LINK] #JDM

JDM: The Rise of the Scorpion [Steam] #JDM

What’s up, everybody! It’s Monday, August 19, 2024. I hope you had a great weekend, and were able to enjoy the latest news thanks to my #ContentCuration. Today was the beginning of the week of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, IL. This is incredibly exciting time, and I want to thank the DNC for including a YouTube video of the full first day, without Cable News Fluffing. I can’t wait to watch everybody from that first day with ZERO COMMERCIALS (Investigation: MAFIA-OPERATING-SUPER-SYSTEM-AD-VERTISING AKA MOSSAD). It’s going to be great and it has lots of amazing speakers and keynotes. As always, big ups and shoutouts to all the protestors outside who want to see Peace in Palestinian Territories. I am working around the clock utilizing all means necessary to convince all sides of the conflicts, every major key players of the U.N. Security Council, the State Department, Quai d’Orsay, Germany, Japan, China, backchannels in Russia, to prevent more bloodsheds in Israel/Palestine. The reason being, if the conflict continues to blow out of proportion, that fanatic idiotic Netanyahu almost singlehandedly created a new global crisis and large-scale military conflict prognostic into the whole Middle East region. We were THIS close from a ceasefire in Israel/Palestine, as soon as that Hamas leader got assassinated, everything was paused, and things continue to get worst. We cannot let this go on. We need a resolution to this terrible conundrum. It has been over 74 years of bloodsheed where Palestinians died, or being subjugated to torture. I have had it. Only the number one force in the world, the U.S. Air Force, which has been in operation for over 76 years, alongside Diplomats from every nation in the fucking planet have come to a sudden realization. They are all in agreement against one single asshole, and his name is Netanyahu. Let’s get this done. I haven’t had a beer with friends in forever, and neither have you. I’m trying to play some Gran Turismo 7, and so are you. I suggest we resolve this conflict before BinladenyaminBibidiNetanyahu starts another war in Syria/Lebanon/Iran/Iraq. You’ve heard of the Military Industrial Complex, and how difficult it was to defeat this monster, don’t let this stuff start over, it’s going to be even worst horror stories for IAVA (Veterans of Afghanistan & Iraq) in 5-10-15-20 years. Don’t do it, listen to reason. I implore you, I beg of you. I politely told you all, we have bigger problems to worry about. Global Warming, aka Climate Change as you guys like to call it so it sounds less scary, almost destroyed the planet over the past recent months. In less than 20 fucking years, no more fresh water, or at least, scarcity. Since people don’t want to read books anymore, Al Gore is going to make a manga to describe his thoughts and emotions over the past 40 fucking years of him talking about that. I may be a superhero character trying to save the planet inside it. Anyway, it’ll be a great read for the next generation. Then they’ll make an Anime. Who knows. For a more, direct, explanation of the disturbing future we are facing, I suggest you play Death Stranding 1: Director’s Cut, and await Death Stranding 2 like the rest of us. Many of us are furious, and cannot wait to defeat HIGGS, the Antagonist in that game from Kojima Productions. It’s therapeutic for many of us who have dealt with trauma. We all relate to Sam Porter Bridges. PS. The COVID-19 pandemic was atrocious, and people did not get vaccinated in time. We have now have a new MONKEYPOX (racist name) pandemic possible nowadays, I suggest you get vaccinated asap. I plan on it. More comments and thoughts and analysis in the future. Thanks in advance.

Friday, August 16th, 2024

The new ADE Pro Networking Platform is live for 2024! Get your ADE Pro Pass now, find & connect with all other ADE Pro members and get to business.

👉 Stay tuned - the biggest upgrade is yet to come: find your perfect industry match soon with all-new AI Matchmaking for all ADE Pro members. [LinkedIn]

Artist of the Month: SOFI TUKKER [Beatportal]

Minimal Audio: "One of the best things about the music technology industry is that it’s one of the only places left where indie people can make something special that means something" [Computer Music]

UDO's Super 8 analogue polysynth is now available to order [Future Music]


RÜFÜS DU SOL in The Lab on Location [Mixmag]

R3HAB and Deorro join forces for the 1st time in decade on Latin-dance heater ‘Gózalo’ [Dancing Astronaut]

scarlet veil Releases Mesmerizing Wave Single “Strings” [Your EDM]

SoundCloud's New Store Lets Artists Keep Every Cent of Their Merch Sales [Your EDM]

Bicep’s Matt McBriar Reveals Surgery to Remove Rare Brain Tumor []

New EDM This Week - August 9th Edition [EDM Sauce]

7.12.2024 Part 3 (Sorry, no preview, the YouTube Billionaire owner is gaming the system)


What’s up, everybody! TGIF! It’s Friday, August 16th, 2024. Here are some updates from the world of Electronic Dance Music. As always, JETLAG RADIO continues, I am currently around episode 2228. This is incredible because I have more podcasts than any other DJ in the world, making me a prime candidate for being on the DJ MAG Top 100 DJs poll for 2024 later this year. Let’s GO! ^_^

Until Next Time!

Thursday, August 15th, 2024

The Neurological Rehabilitation of Adults With Coma and Disorders of Consciousness [NIH] #MusicTherapy #WakingUpPeopleFromComa

WHO declares mpox global health emergency [BBC News]

Discovery holds promise to restore function in people with paralysis and neurological diseases [The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center]

Stanford Medicine scientists transform cancer cells into weapons against cancer [Stanford Medicine]

Nanotechnology-Enhanced Naloxone and Alternative Treatments for Opioid Addiction [NIH]

Monkeypox virus: A review [NIH]

Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Nanotechnology for Precision Cancer Medicine [NIH]

Doctors prepare for the “enormous health consequences” of climate change [Nature]

How virtual reality therapy is shaping mental health [Nature Medicine]

Enhancing pediatric access to cell and gene therapies [Nature Medicine]

Women’s health throughout the lifecourse [Nature Medicine]

Diversity, equity and inclusion in medical research [Nature Medicine]

The COVID-19 Pandemic and Mayo Clinic Proceedings [Mayo Clinic Proceedings]


What’s up, everybody! It’s Thursday, August 15th, 2024. Here’s a great new update for today including lots of amazing Medical Journals. I’m still watching E.R., I’m on Season 04. I watch other medical shows when I have time. As always, be sure to get vaccinated from COVID-19 so that you are not infecting yourself or those you love, including infants. Get a booster shot every 6 months. It appears that now, Monkeypox is considered a global emergency via the WHO. As a result, I highly recommend to get vaccinated ASAP. You don’t believe me? I scheduled a Vaccination visit at the local pharmacy, I suggest you do the same. We lost 1,000,000 Americans because they weren’t vaccinated who didn’t listen and instead thought Trump, the deranged moron would know what to do when he didn’t, and over 18,000,000 people died worldwide because of lack of COVID-19 vaccine patent-free for MSF (Médecins-Sans-Frontières) access. Anyway, it’s 2024, nobody wants another worldwide global pandemic, so let’s do the right thing when it comes to get vaccinated from MONKEYPOX. Let’s resolve the issue before it blows out of proportion. Thank you for listening.

PS. I am still working on my #GoFundMe to buy my first new car after 25 years of work, including past 6 years unpaid. Your help is much appreciated, I have about $61 and I need about $180,000.

Until Next Time!

Wednesday, August 14th, 2024

"Borderlands" is 95% off! "Monster Hunter: Sunbreak" is 67% off! We've picked out some recommended games from the sale where classic titles are available at super-low prices. [Famitsu] #Gaming #Nippon #Japan #Japanese

Final Fantasy 14 player is so sick of one particular healing spell, they've built an entire website to explain why you shouldn't use it: 'I finally have had enough' [PC Gamer] #Windows11

Japanese Drift Master - Rise of the Scorpion (demo) review: worth a free... spin [Top Gear] #JDM #SteamOS

To embrace gaming, Apple needs to level up its game porting toolkit [Six Colors] #MacOS

PlayStation Plus Game Catalog for August: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Wild Hearts, Cult of the Lamb and more [Playstation Blog] #Playstation5 #PS5

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 Heart of Chornobyl - Developer Deep Dive [Xbox Wire] #XboxSeriesX #XboxSeriesS

New Persona 3 Reload: Episode Aigis Trailer Showcasing Metis [SEGA BITS]

Sometimes you need a super team to take down a super threat [Nintendo Switch Blog]

Save $700 Off the Powerful Alienware Aurora R16 RTX 4080 SUPER Gaming PC [IGN] #Alienware #Gaming #Desktop

You Think Four Consoles Connected To A TV Is Impressive? Try More Than 400 [GameSpot]

Grab a coffee (or mimosa) and hang out with us as we answer calls from Patreon members! [KindaFunnyGames]

What’s up, everybody! Here is a very important new video for my French viewers. PS. Va te faire foutre, LePen. J’ai “un Pilot V5 en temps que sabre laser” (AKH, IAM). I am still waiting for a Blue Bottle Coffee Japan-style coffee shop inside Sacramento or where I live in Central Valley California. I do not have the budget for an office in San Francisco yet for Zack Technology LLC, but I hope to sometimes. I ran out of croissants yet again, but thankfully I will receive some more later this week thanks to my wife. On another topic, Najat would make an excellent Prime Minister in France, and I don’t understand why we have to rely on other leaders in the NFP when Najat is so versatile and has numerous years of experiences, decades more than other candidates. Please do not use the expression that she is overqualfied, I already know the answer to the conundrum, did she not get called because she is brown? Ceci n’est pas de la polemique, j’ose vous dire la verité sur ce sujet. Je suis en colère. Anyway, here’s an intro course on Quantum Computing.

What does “R&D” mean? Research & Development (AFWERX/SPACEWERX/DOD/FranceQuantum/LaFrenchTechSF). I don’t give a shit who is arguing, I just need to send an invoice. I work very hard, I need a salary to stay afloat. Lots of work completed, and a lot more on the way.

PS. Doing my best to install XBOX GAME PASS on Big Screen with Amazon Fire ULTRA stick + XBOX SERIES X controller, but I find a way to afford a XBOX SERIES X. Tell Microsoft to offer a discount. If it was $400, I could almost get one ASAP. Thanks. Need to complete and livestream Halo Mythology. Gotta turn on Master Chief mode. Also, STARFIELD very important.

Until Next Time!

Tuesday, August 13th, 2024

Le 1er extrait de 13'Organisé vol.2, des chiens fans de "Not Like Us", @Niska_Officiel annonce un album en commun avec @ninhosdt, @GIMS tease "Terminal 2F" avec @Dadju & les entrées en #PlaylistSkyrock 📻 #LeRécapMrik @Mrik [Skyrock FM]

Jul : après le tube "Bande organisée", un "13'Organisé" volume 2 arrive. Premier extrait ! [Charts in France]

Jul : un "13 Organisé 2" en approche ? [Generations Hip Hop Soul Radio]

13’Organisé volume 2: la liste des artists présents dévoilée [13or du HipHop FR]

Watch Billie Eilish Perform “Birds of a Feather” at the Olympics Closing Ceremony [HypeBeast]

Chance The Rapper Threatens To Delay 'Star Line' Album Over Fan Gripe [HipHopDX]

Logic's 'Ultra 85' Is Finally Here, Seven Years After It Was First Announced [HypeBeast]

.38 Spesh Releases New Single Feat. Method Man “Speshal Methods”, Announces New Project [The SOURCE]

Dr. Dre Is Serious About Competing in Archery at 2028 Olympics [XXL Magazine]

Vultures 2 - Kanye West [Hot New Hip Hop]

What’s up, everybody! Here is some new videos [Nouvelle École sur Netflix, Quantum Physics and Parallel Universes, le BAC en France, Daft Punk - Teachers, Victoire contre l’Extreme-Droite pendant les Elections Legislatives, REDACTED: waiting for trilogy, Putin/LePen connection, Macron / LePen debate, Dérapages Season 1, debate Najat vs LePen and a VLOG from my YouTube official account.

It was so important to vote in Elections Legislatives (France), and now you can see why. Merci infinement. Also, on Tuesday, I had to pay for parking with over 60 quarters just for a few hours of parking downtown because my credit card did not work. This is why you need to stay humble, and remember the harsh days, when you’re a young rapper, before you get famous, or in my case, when my startup has not become famous just yet. Then remember who helped you out when you were dirt poor and who did not. Those are your people. I was told not to sit in a particular Starbucks, and had to leave the premises. I was extremely upset at the barista who said she was uncomfortable, the reason why, she was some 20s blonde woman. If I was not “ugly” with “big ears” I would have been instead treated with a higher level of respect. Needless to say, when she finds out I contacted Starbucks Corporate (not to mention they just changed CEOs), she will understand that Discrimination is against the law. Have fun with the backlash. I had a ton of work to do that day, and she jeopardized it. She will have to face the repercussions from it in due time. #TrustNoOne, it was indeed #UkraineWarDay900 .

PS. So excited about next album of 13 Organisé volume 2!

Until Next Time!