Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024

'Crises at Boeing and Intel Are a National Emergency' [Slashdot.org]

AI is already making it easier to spread election lies [AXIOS]

Google Messages adding ‘enhanced’ spam protection, ‘Sensitive Content Warnings’ for nudity [TechMeme]

Amazon boss to unhappy remote workers: Go find a new job [Quartz] I would gladly work on-site at Amazon HQ, whether Tracy, or even all the way to SF

Your phones and computers rely on this remote mine in North Carolina. Helene just drowned it. [Vox]

What is the new safe C++ proposal and what do programmers need to know? [TheNextWeb]

Donald Trump Did Not Actually Work at McDonald’s [Eater]

You Could Be Overlooking Human Skills in the Workplace

Technical chops are in demand, but some employees believe that companies aren’t putting enough emphasis on human skills like communication and collaboration. [Inc.]

Auto industry sees an ‘affordability shift’ in car sales [Fast Company]

Doing Remote Work? Be Scared. Be Very Scared [Medium]

Dozens of Employees Were Just Fired From EY, Where Salaries Average $105,000 — Here's Why [Entrepreneur]

Marissa Mayer: I Am Not a Feminist. I Am Not Neurodivergent. I Am a Software Girl [WIRED]

This Week in Tech 1002 [TWIT]

New in NotebookLM: Customizing your Audio Overviews and introducing NotebookLM Business [Google Blog]

Learning DeepVariant's hidden powers [Google Research]

Lacao [Poetry Foundation]

Can you still see Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS? [Astronomy Magazine]

The State of AI: How We Got Here (and What’s To Come) [Salesforce 360 Blog]

SAP Fiori Development with AI: Live Generator Demo [SAP]

What’s up, everybody! It’s Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024. We are less than 2 weeks away from Election Day. It’s imperative that we all vote for Kamala Harris, our Vice President. Please understand that Elon Musk sold a ton of Crypto to influence multiple elections nationwide, whether on the local, state, and federal level. There’s a lot of #GerryMandering going on, something that Former President Barack Obama has warned us for years. I implore you, do not sit this election out. You can vote by mail, you can vote early, or you can vote on Election Day. Don’t get lazy at the last minute. I know what a Trump Presidency mean, we literally lost the country, America was almost destroyed. It was so bad, it could have turned into “THE DIVISION” or “THE DIVISION 2” from Ubisoft. Cast that ballot asap, we must save our great nation, because another 4 years of #TrumpNightmare, none of us would survive it, and he would indeed expel all immigrants, even those who hold U.S. citizenship. Thank you for paying attention and listening to what I have to say.

Until Next Time!

Monday, October 21st, 2024

Putin’s plan to defeat the dollar [The Economist]

America’s least fun job? Election official [1843 Magazine]

Will gender decide the US election? [The Economist Podcasts]

#India, #Kenya and #Greece are all included in the top 10 most improving business environments to watch. Find out why in EIU’s free report: http://econgrp.co/Nq [The EIU]

Why Workplace Well-Being Programs Don’t Achieve Better Outcomes [Harvard Business Review]

The mates who have met for a pint every Thursday for 56 years [BBC]

Why Do We Keep Reading About Elon Musk? [Bloomberg]

Gaza health ministry says 87 killed in northern Gaza airstrike [AL-Jazeera News]

Could Talking About Climate Change Now Help Kamala Harris’s Campaign? [The New Yorker]

The Year Of The Music Licensing Legal Wars [The Verge]

I left my religion. Should I still raise my kid with it? [Vox]

TechCrunch Disrupt 2024 [TechCrunch] can’t afford those tickets, but feel free to give me free tickets

The quest to figure out farming on Mars [MIT Technology Review]

America is entering a new ‘economic supercycle’ [Business Insider]

💡 La puissance du réseau français dans la Silicon Valley 💡

Lors de mon récent voyage aux États-Unis, j'ai eu l'occasion d'échanger avec Clara Bousquet, Responsable Côte Ouest chez Frenchfounders, sur l’écosystème entrepreneurial en Californie. Cet échange m'a ouvert les yeux sur la formidable force que représente la communauté française dans la Silicon Valley, notamment pour les startups axées sur des innovations à impact social, comme 4B Kids. 🌍🚀

1. Une présence française marquée et des organismes de soutien essentiels 🇫🇷

Saviez-vous que plus de 60 000 Français vivent dans la région de la Baie de San Francisco ? 🌁 Beaucoup d'entre eux contribuent à l'essor de la tech et de l’innovation. Leurs talents et compétences sont reconnus dans des secteurs-clés comme l'intelligence artificielle, la biotech, ou encore la fintech.

Les structures françaises jouent un rôle crucial dans le soutien à ces innovations :

- La French Tech San Francisco soutient les startups françaises qui révolutionnent des industries, y compris dans le domaine de l’éducation et du développement des enfants.

- Business France aide à l’expansion de ces entreprises sur le marché américain, facilitant leur croissance rapide.

- Frenchfounders, véritable hub pour les entrepreneurs français, permet de connecter des talents visionnaires dans le domaine de la tech et de l’éducation.

- La FACC California SF-LA | French American Chamber of Commerce, California SF-LA facilite les relations d'affaires entre la France et la Californie.

Ces réseaux sont essentiels pour des projets comme 4B Kids. 🎮🧠

2. Les acteurs français qui font bouger la Silicon Valley 💼

Parmi les nombreux talents français qui brillent dans la Silicon Valley, certains se démarquent par leur impact global. Des entrepreneurs comme Jean-Baptiste Rudelle, co-fondateur de Criteo, ou Mathilde Collin, co-fondatrice de Front, incarnent le succès de cette diaspora dynamique. 🌟

Des entreprises comme Ledger dans le domaine des cryptomonnaies ou Algolia dans la recherche web sont également des exemples concrets du génie entrepreneurial français dans la région.

3. L’avenir prometteur des Français dans la Silicon Valley 🚀

La présence française dans la Silicon Valley est appelée à croître dans les années à venir. Avec la montée des nouvelles technologies (IA, blockchain, etc.) et l’essor des écosystèmes de startups, de plus en plus d'entrepreneurs français se tournent vers cette région. Des programmes d'incubation, des réseaux d'investisseurs et de nouvelles initiatives transatlantiques se développent, ouvrant la voie à une collaboration renforcée entre les talents français et américains. 🌱

En tant qu'entrepreneurs, notre réseau est l'un de nos atouts les plus puissants. S'appuyer sur le dynamisme et l'expérience de la communauté française en Californie peut véritablement être un levier de croissance et d'innovation pour les futurs projets. 🔗

#SiliconValley #4BKids #FrenchFounders #FrenchCommunity www.4bkids.fr

this is amazing…if there are really 60,000 French Men & French Women in the SF Bay Valley, one of them is bound to help me during the November 2024 conference at #LaFrenchTechSF. I’ll bring lots of business cards, let’s network! Génial!

Kamala Harris visits church on birthday as Trump repeats ‘enemy within’ rhetoric [The Guardian]

Jill Stein Won’t Stop. No Matter Who Asks. [The New York Times] if she keeps winning states, she takes votes away from Kamala Harris, and Trump becomes President. It’s the #TrumpNightmare scenario.

Obama Says Trump 'Ignored' Pandemic Playbook He Gave To Him [Huffington Post]

The Case Against Pessimism - The West has to believe that democracy will prevail. [The Atlantic]

Trump has gained in 538's forecast, but the election is still a toss-up [FiveThirtyEight]

Musk promises a daily $1 million lottery in pro-Trump effort. Experts questioned the legality. [The Washington Post]

Comment le camp Trump s’organise pour contester une victoire de Kamala Harris - En cas de victoire de Kamala Harris à la présidentielle américaine, Donald Trump et ses partisans menacent de contester les résultats et envisagent d’exploiter les failles du système électoral américain. [Le Monde] The French are warning us, DJT will exploit the Electoral College along with GerryMandering to win this election. Let’s use extreme caution.

Some iPhone 16 owners are experiencing massive battery drain on iOS 18 [Mashable]

Introducing VICE’s Photo Issue 2024 [VICE]

When Blood Money Isn’t Enough: Raytheon Admits to Defrauding Pentagon [The Intercept_]

Long-haul flight? Here’s what you need to get through it. [Nat GEO]

COMIC: Science-backed mood boosters to (almost instantly) snap you out of a funk [NPR]

Great Composers Chamber Music Series premieres 11th season with a tale of two 19th century heroines [CapRadioNews]

Paris-Alger, encore un coup de chaud [Le Monde diplomatique]

Is the Israel-Hamas War Closer to Its Beginning or Its End? [Foreign Policy]

Ukraine Must Turn the Tide Before It Can Negotiate: To Gain Leverage, Kyiv Needs a Stable Front in the Donbas—and Western Security Guarantees [Foreign Affairs]

Mongolia and China Celebrate 75 Years of Partnership [The Diplomat]

How the Human Brain Contends With the Strangeness of Zero [Quanta Magazine]

[Information presse] Le drapeau de l’Estonie hissé au CERN. En savoir plus: [CERN_FR]

NASA, SpaceX Continue Weather Watch for Crew-8 Return [NASA]

What’s up, everybody! It’s Monday, October 20th, 2024. First day of the week. Hope you all had a great weekend, mine was not so good. Anyway, let’s hope better good news this week. We shall see. Anyway, enjoy this update. Elon Musk wants to buy the Election, it has become very dangerous, especially with Jill Stein stealing votes from Kamala Harris, leaning early November towards Trump. We might be facing a #TrumpNightmare again for another 4 years. This is not a joke, Elon Musk sold a bunch of Crypto and is using that money to buy entire elections in various states including Pennsylvania. There’s about 2 weeks left, everybody is on notice.

Until Next Time!

Saturday, October 19th, 2024

Man Utd ease pressure on Ten Hag with win over Brentford [BBC Sport]

40th Anniversary of NISMO | Nissan Formula E [Nissan NISMO]

2024 Indianapolis 8 Hour Recap [Mercedes-Benz AMG]

The 2024 Audi RS5 Sportback Competition Is The Ultimate Driving Audi Super Sedan [Redline Reviews]

We bought a BRAND NEW 992 GT3RS - The Review [80EIGHTY] winning this Porsche and equivalent of $450,000 would solve all my problems. Please let me win 80EIGHTY DCG #75…

Mbedded – Episode 2 – Una Famiglia. [BMW Motorsport]

The Keys To Safety: #1 Adapt to the conditions 🌧️ | AVIS I FIA WEC [FIA WEC]


SB29 v SRFC: pre-match statements [Stade Rennais] #AllezLesRougeEtNoir

Cavs vs Bulls preview: Preseason finale [Fear the Sword] #GoCavs

You’re Nuts: Which Buckeye is headed for a strong second half of the regular season? [Land-Grant Holy Land] #GoBucks

A look at the looming Cincinnati Reds 40-man roster decisions [Red Reporter] #GoReds

Notes & Quotes: “Things are still in our hands” [Sac Republic FC] #SRFC

Women XV 2024 : USA - France, le résumé [France Rugby]

What’s up, everybody! It’s Saturday, October 19th, 2024. Hope you guys are enjoying your weekend. It appears that Russia/Iran/North Korea is at war with Ukraine now, therefore the blog/report update for Monday will be large. I currently have no ability to LIVESTREAM/VLOG at the moment. Unsure when I can again. I am in Sacramento, CA currently, there’s less than 3 weeks until #ElectionDay, let’s just focus on that. If you want to meet, during the week I may be at a Roseville, CA coffee shop. Voting soon (for Harris). Also, I really miss Dos Coyotes, I might stop by if I can.

Until Next Time!

Friday, October 18th, 2024

Intel and AMD team up to defend x86 [PC Gamer]

Announcing PlayStation The Concert – World Tour 2025-2026 [Playstation Blog]

Xbox Partner Preview: See the Latest Games From Our Incredible Partners This Week [Xbox Wire]

Get the party started with Just Dance 2025 Edition (and an Ariana Grande song pack)! [Nintendo Blog]

Best Mac games 2024 - the best Apple-friendly gaming experiences you can get [Gaming on Mac]

Building a Retro Linux Gaming Computer Part 44: The Legend of Kobo [Gaming on Linux]

Four Comic Book Superstars Reflect on the Future of a Changing Industry | LA Comic-Con 2024 [IGN]

Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 - This $75 Bundle Has All You Need To Play, No Console Or PC Required [GameSpot]

Astro Bot finally gives PlayStation a Nintendo-tier platformer after 30 years [Polygon]

Why Kinda Funny Never Eats Together - The Kinda Funny Podcast [KindaFunnyGames]

What’s up, everybody! It’s Friday, October 18th, 2024. TGIF, enjoy your weekend of videogames. Hopefully you all did all your homeworks. What are you guys playing this weekend, #GeeksNerdsOtakus? Let me know. I’ll do some livestreams, but I’ll be a bit busy watching the DJ MAG TOP 100 DJs announcement from Amsterdam Dance Event and AMF. If there is a single mention of myself, Zaki Qayoumi aka IAMZAKI, and JETLAG RADIO, one of my many podcasts, during that weekend in Amsterdam, or in the DJ MAG magazine for either November or December 2024, I can finally say I have realized a dream. After so much work in the world of dance music since the year 2003, it is almost obligatory that I am able to drive my Dream Car, pay off the mortgage, credit card, etc.

Back to Gaming. I am having a conference call with HIDEO KOJIMA from Kojima Productions. After PHYSINT (which includes METAL GEAR SOLID THE MOVIE), I am advising him to work with Christopher Nolan…which means that after MGS VI, maybe we’ll see TENET TRILOGY (both movies and videogames), before Death Stranding 3 and MGS VII.

Until Next Time!

Thursday, October 17th, 2024

On World Parkinson’s Day, a New Theory Emerges on the Disease’s Origins and Spread [University of ROCHESTER Medical Center]

New cancer diagnoses did not rebound as expected following pandemic [NIH]

Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) [NIH]

The Brain Research Through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies® (BRAIN) Initiative [NIH]

Cancer Moonshot℠ [NIH]

Data Science at NIH [NIH]

Sound Health: An NIH-Kennedy Center Partnership [NIH]

Blueprint for Neuroscience Research [NIH]

What’s up, everybody! It’s Thursday, October 16th, 2024. It’s that day of the week where we discuss Medical Journals, and all things Medical. Enjoy!

Until Next Time!

Wednesday, October 16th, 2024

RÜFÜS DU SOL Share Eclectic New Album, ‘Inhale/Exhale’ [Beatportal]

Issue 339 of Computer Music is on sale now [Computer Music]

“I think we're about to have a big resurgence now in kids picking up guitars, and I think we've got the Gallagher brothers to thank for it”: Should we be hopeful about the future of guitar music? [Future Music]

KI/KI: totally entranced [DJ Mag]

The MIX 033: HITECH [Mixmag]

Dancing Astronaut’s five can’t-miss shows during Amsterdam Dance Event [Dancing Astronaut]

San Holo Shares Exclusive Playlist Ahead of b2b Performance with Madeon at Ultra Miami 2024 [Your EDM]

Pretty Lights to Wrap 2024 Tour With Massive New Year's Arena Doubleheader [EDM.com]

Landmark 20th In Search Of Sunrise Is Here And Its Progressive Heaven [EDM Sauce]

13 Organisé - Freestyle 13 Organisé 2 🔵⚪ // 2024 [DORETDEPLATINE]

SESSION LIVE avec AMK, Dadi, Damys, Durden, Dau, Lpee, Leys, Elso & Anglade ! #PlanèteRap [SKYROCK FM]

Lacrim répond avec la manière au clash de Maes, “tu vas mourir comme…” [13 Or du HipHop]

CAMO Moves Kimchi in Intimidating "K PACK" Music Video [Hypebeast]

Dr. Dre & Snoop Dogg Expand Beverage Brand With New Gin Named After Classic Song [HipHop DX]

Key Takeaways From Vice President Kamala Harris Town Hall With Charlamagne Tha God: ‘I will work tirelessly to get this through’ [The SOURCE]

Kendrick Lamar Dominates 2024 BET HIP HOP Awards With Wins in Eight Categories [XXL Magazine]

What’s up, everybody! It’s Wednesday, October 16th, 2024. It’s AMF / AMSTERDAM DANCE EVENT this weekend. As you may be aware, with JETLAG RADIO 2300, I should be there, but I am not. I just hope they take the opportunity to mention the podcast at least once, and at least once in the next DJ Mag magazine for NOVEMBER or DECEMBER 2024. When it comes to Rap Music, I am excited to say I have received a great package from France that I have been waiting for years. It’s 13 ORGANISÉ II, 4xCDs, and the maillot (jersey). I will make a special COFFEE WITH ZAKI en français. I was so happy because I am so homesick. As placed on my website, there was a video with about 165 French Rappeurs. This was exciting to me, because I said I left about 2 decades ago when I moved to the USA, meaning there are hundreds of Rappeurs I have not listened to since I left. I cannot wait to include every single one of them (and more) on future OMEGA RADIO episodes. This is to create my dream, witness a WORLDWIDE TOUR for 13 Organisé, including in the USA, which would probably include major cities, such as NYC, Chicago, LA, and of course, to include myself, and my crowd, San Francisco (SF). This may take 1-3 years, but someday, we will make it happen. I would be so happy, such like I was when I heard that IAM came to do a concert in SF, and had the greatest time of my life going out, since the Swedish House Mafia concert in SF.

Until Next Time!

Tuesday, October 15th, 2024

Lots of PCs Are Poised To Fall Off the Windows 10 Update Cliff One Year From Today [Slashdot.org]

Google goes nuclear in new deal to power AI [AXIOS]

At its Adobe Max event, Adobe adds AI tools to Photoshop, like Distraction Removal, and makes Generative Fill, Generative Expand, and more generally available [TechMeme]

F1: The global race to the future [Quartz]

Your iPhone is probably a satellite phone. Here’s how it could help you. [Vox]

TNW Conference 2025 theme spotlight: AI and Deeptech [TheNextWeb]

Dua Lipa’s Controversial Diet Coke ‘Recipe’ Is Nothing New [Eater]

5 Self-Care Rituals of Top CEOs. Here’s how Inc. 5000 CEOs prioritize wellness while running fast-growing companies. [Inc.]

You don’t get to be 173 years old without this leadership trait [Fast Company]

OnlyFans is Finally Dead [Medium]

Can Anyone Beat Microsoft at AI? The CEO of Salesforce Thinks His Company Can. [Entrepreneur]

Leaked Docs From Far-Right Militias Show History of Voter Intimidation Plans [WIRED]

This Week in Tech 1001 [TWIT]

Android Earthquake Alerts now available across the U.S. [Google Blog]

Validating random circuit sampling as a benchmark for measuring quantum progress [Google Research]

My Only Rule Is to Break Rules [Poetry Foundation]

Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS is rising higher in the evening sky. Here’s where to look [Astronomy Magazine]

Revolutionizing Tech with AI - SAP TechEd 2024 Keynote Highlights in 6 Minutes [SAP] #SAP #IwantToWorkAtSAP #Neurodivergent

What’s up, everybody! It’s Tuesday, October 15th, 2024. Some sad news, having car trouble. Hopefully that’s fixed immediately, or I hope to gain a new vehicle. It’s imperative. For my weekly drives to Sacramento, my Commutes to San Francisco, my weekends at the Tofu Shop, and my need to drive yearly to Los Angeles to visit Friends/Family, FUEL FEST, and the RUGBY CUP. Hope y’all have a wonderful Tuesday, enjoy my latest livestreams, and there’s some great new season premieres on Paramount Plus this week, be sure to check them out. Let’s continue to eat peanuts and pray for Former President Jimmy Carter, I believe he’s going to early-vote in the state of Georgia as soon as humanely possible for our Vice-President, Kamala Harris.

Please remember, I need a new car, and a new sound system asap. This is vital for the continuation of the JETLAG RADIO podcast series, and the JLR Operating System (OS). No new car? No new Sound System? No new episode JETLAG RADIO 2301. People need my help, I need their help. I need a new vehicle/car. It’s Critical.

Monday, October 14th, 2024

The Nobel prize in economics was awarded jointly to Simon Johnson, James Robinson and Daron Acemoglu for their research on global inequality. The trio’s work has shed light on the link between colonisation and prosperity, and the importance of strong democratic institutions for countries’ success. The Nobel committee lauded the researchers for their innovative approach to studying “one of our time’s greatest challenges”. [The Economist]

Can creative writing help America win wars? [1843 Magazine]

Paradise lost: Hurricane Milton bashes Florida [The Economist Podcasts]

EIU’s latest report provides an overview of the most improved countries for doing business—and where to watch over the next five years. See the results in this free summary: http://econgrp.co/Nd [The EIU]

A Workaholic’s Guide to Reclaiming Your Life [Harvard Business Review]

Russia jails French researcher in 'foreign agent' case [BBC]

NASA’s Search for Alien Life Turns to Icy Moon of Jupiter [Bloomberg]

Canada expels top India diplomats, links them to murder of Sikh leader [Reuters]

The ICC’s credibility is hanging by a thread [AL-Jazeera News]

Kamala Harris’s Hundred-Day Campaign [The New Yorker]

Adobe’s AI video model is here, and it’s already inside Premiere Pro / New beta tools allow users to generate videos from images and prompts, and extend existing clips in Premiere Pro. [The Verge]

Pennies don’t make cents, in Today, Explained Podcast [Vox]

Tesla Optimus bots were controlled by humans during the ‘We, Robot’ event [TechCrunch] see? It was all a charade, Tesla does not own the real Optimus.

Africa fights rising hunger by looking to foods of the past [MIT Technology Review]

NASA launches a probe to find out if there really could be alien life on Jupiter's moon Europa [Business Insider]

1,000!!!! So proud of our flagship podcast. Download and subscribe to episode 1000 of TWiT, and keep us around for another thousand: [Lisa Laporte on LinkedIn]

New cervical cancer treatment regime ‘cuts risk of dying from disease by 40%’ [The Guardian]

Harris Steps Up a Major Push for Black Voters [The New York Times]

'I Saw': Chris Christie Describes 'Significant Declines' In Trump's Cognitive Skills [Huffington Post]

Confessions of a Republican Exile [The Atlantic]

How redistricting could play a key role in the fight to control the House in 2024 [FiveThirtyEight]

Opinion: Hey Dems, stop doomscrolling and go win the election [The Washington Post]

Les ondes gravitationnelles secouent l’astrophysique [Le Monde]

'SNL' Cold Open sees Harris vs Trump in 'Family Feud' [Mashable]

Woman Died After Unknowingly Spraying Herself With Nerve Agent Potent Enough to Kill Thousands [VICE]

Israel Escalates Attacks on Lebanese First Responders — Potentially a War Crime [The Intercept_]

Why some celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Day—not Columbus Day [National Geographic]

Nobel Prize goes to 3 economists who study the wealth and poverty of nations [NPR]

California Gov. Gavin Newsom signs a law aimed at preventing gas prices from spiking [CapRadioNews]

Immensité, pluralité, disparités [Le Monde diplomatique]

When American Voters Ignored the Warning Signs [Foreign Policy]

America’s Foreign Policy Inertia: How the Next President Can Make Change in a System Built to Resist It [Foreign Affairs]

The History of Japan’s Nobel Peace Prize-Winning Nuclear Survivors’ Group [The Diplomat]

US Intelligence: Russia, China and Iran in Election Propaganda Blitz [The Cipher Brief]

The ‘Beautiful Confusion’ of the First Billion Years Comes Into View [Quanta Magazine] thanks to that soundcloud music track, 10 galaxies in the Sky making a circle, incredible.

Bienvenue dans la Large Magnet Facility du CERN. Nous voyons ici la préparation d'un modèle de câble supraconducteur en diborure de magnésium (MgB2) pour le brasage. [CERN_FR]

NASA Welcomes Estonia as Newest Artemis Accords Signatory [NASA]

What’s up, everybody! It’s Monday, October 14th, 2024. While it’s Columbus Day, it’s Indigenous Day instead. Please do not confuse the name with the wonderful great city of Columbus, Ohio, home of the people who are Students at The Ohio State University, quite possibly one of the greatest places on Earth. There’s a lot of commotion, lots of things to worry about. Quite frankly, I am excited, this past afternoon, I had a conference call with 12 people in the (Technology) Industry thanks to BWG Strategy LLC. I was able to discuss how important AMD was, is, and will be in the future. It was great to be on this call for over an hour, and discuss my thoughts for about a ten-twenty minutes period. I’ve told y’all, ZACK TECHNOLOGY LLC is important, I know people are waiting for the reports, the analysis, the blogs. I know what can happen when I wait. I’ve told y’all, you’ve noticed what can happen when I take a week break, 2 weeks break, 3 weeks break, or a month break. The work is vital, therefore, gather around, and find me someone who is will to pay for invoices. I don’t require millions of dollars, while in the future, that’d be great, I just need enough to cover monthly expenses, and finally buy myself my very first brand-new vehicle, a German-Engineering vehicle or JDM car.

While I await my new iPhone 16 (I’m sorry, Tim Cook, I cannot afford one yet), I have a new Android phone, it’s a Nothing (Technology) Phone 2, with special Nothing OS 2 (OS 3 on its way) thanks to Android 14 technology. It’s a San Francisco local phone number, and I will add the number to my resume/CV from now on. I’m eager to work in the SF Bay Area, whether remote or on-site. I’m eager to get a co-op spot, or a cubicle, or an office. Like I said, I’m literally just 2-3 hours away from you guys. Once I have a great new mode of transportation and a gas card, and a credit card, I just need y’all to cover hotel and food costs, and we can have lots of great fun and adventures. You’re ready? I am ready, let’s make it happen.

PS. The video below was recorded a week ago. Before the Comet which comes only once every 82,000 years. I missed it because I got into an argument with my wife. Anyway, let’s play some FF7 Rebirth and Mass Effect Legendary Edition & Mass Effect: Andromeda into-the-future…

Until Next Time!

Saturday, October 12th, 2024

Cristiano Ronaldo scored his 133rd Portugal goal as they beat Poland in the Nations League. [BBC Sport] #Portugal #CR7 #Ronaldo

【NISMO 40th Anniversary】 Part 2 NISMO Products [Nissan NISMO] lots amount of history

Onboard Mercedes-AMG ONE | Nürburgring Nordschleife Lap Record | 6:29.09 [Mercedes-AMG]

2024 Audi RS7 performance (630hp) - Interior and Exterior Details [DreamCars] this car is my #DreamCar but very expensive. It’s over $150K, thankfully the RS5 is $80K. I’d love one.

We bought a BRAND NEW 992 GT3RS - The Review [80EIGHTY] winning this Porsche and equivalent of $450,000 would solve all my problems. Please let me win 80EIGHTY DCG #75…

MBEDDED [BMW Motorsport] we have all been striving for the BMW M5 Touring to come to the United States, thanks to my petition, it will be released soon (Christmas). It’s October, November is next month, it’s almost here. I wish I could afford it, it’s one of my dream cars. The BMW CEO in Germany promised, if it performs and sell well in America, the BMW M3 Touring will come to the USA as well.

Porsche Does It Again in Japan 🇯🇵 I WEC Full Access (EN) I 2024 6 Hours of Fuji I FIA WEC [FIA WEC]

Best of overtakes | DTM 2024 Highlights | Red Bull Ring [DTM]


What is Still to Come in October [ManUTD] #GoUNITED

Denis Arnaud : « The Espoirs challenge offers additional experience. » [Stade Rennais] #AllezLesRougeEtNoir

Bengals vs. Giants Injury Report: Brown, Moss, Rankins, and Gesicki are good to go [Cincy Jungle] #WhoDey

Cavs embrace analytics and new player development approach under Kenny Atkinson [Fear the Sword] #GoCavs

Ohio State vs. Oregon: Land-Grant’s experts make their picks [Land Grant of the Holy Land] #GoBucks

It was Connor Phillips’ turn to shine in Arizona Fall League play [Red Reporter] #GoReds

Match Preview: Republic FC @ Memphis 901 FC [Sacramento Republic FC] #SRFC

Du stade vers l'emploi : Recruteurs incognitos [France Rugby]

What’s up, everybody! It’s Saturday, October 12th, 2024. It’s the weekend! Lots of sports, including my fav teams. I wish y’all good luck (YUKIKAZE? SENTOU YOUSEI YUKIKAZE NOVEL BOOK VOLUME 3 IN ENGLISH? WHEN? I DON’T KNOW…). I’ve added more rappers from 13 Organisé onto the OMEGA RADIO podcast, enjoy. I’ve been playing XIII on the PS5, it’s amazing, it has David Duchovny has the main character voice-over, I am super excited. #Livestreams

Dragon Ball DAIMA and Bleach Thousand-Year Blood War Season 3 are both back on Television, I believe on HULU. Be sure to check them out. MF Ghost Season 2 is on Crunchyroll. Amazing!

Until Next Time!

Friday, October 11th, 2024

PC Gamer magazine’s new issue is on sale: Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 [PC Gamer]

PS5 Pro: Developers share how they’re using new tech to enhance their games [Playstation Blog]

Black Ops 6 Campaign: The Story So Far, Part 1, Part 2 [XBOX Wire]

Microsoft Office 2024 Review [PC Mag]

Gaming on Linux with Apple Silicon now becoming a very real thing [Gaming On Linux]

Persona Director Reveals the Secret to Atlus' Beloved Games [IGN]

Amazon Prime Members Get These 28 Free Games In October [GameSpot]

The best thing about Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom? The music [Polygon]

Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero Review - Kinda Funny Gamescast [KindaFunnyGames]

What’s up, everybody! It’s Friday, October 11th, 2024. It’s TGIF! Hopefully you did your homework during weekdays, therefore enjoy your videogames during the weekend. There are some great new releases. Be sure to enjoy new games, but first, finish your catalogue! How many games have you yet to finish? Finish them first! It’s important, lots of great storytelling. Let’s get it done.

Until Next Time!