Russia’s population nightmare is going to get even worse [The Economist]
Should Joe Biden run in 2024? [The Economist Podcasts] No. He is too old. You cannot have a sitting President this close to 90 years old. I would prefer Bernie Sanders, but the Establishment and Dark Money won’t let it happen. While I would prefer AOC, VP Kamala Harris has a higher chance to win. Surprisingly, Michelle Obama would do really well too.
The rise of the Gen Z side hustle [BBC News]
Syria mission worth the risk, top U.S. general says after rare visit [Reuters]
How an Afghan girls’ school principal fled the Taliban [AL-Jazeera News]
Donald Who?: Fox News, the Dominion Case, and the Perils of Pivoting from Trump [The New Yorker] #TrumpIsGoingToJail
Apple will reportedly launch an M3-equipped iMac later this year / According to Apple tracker Mark Gurman, the new device is in the final stages of testing and could launch as early as the second half of this year. [The Verge]
SNAP boosts kept millions out of poverty during Covid. Now they’re gone. [Vox]
The VW Group announced a new in-car app store will be launched by its software subsidiary Cariad. Starting with select Audi vehicles, the app store will bring dozens of apps to vehicles, including Spotify, Amazon Music, TikTok and gaming hubs Vector Unit and FRVR to cars starting this summer. It will later expand across Audi’s portfolio then to Porsche and Volkswagen. [TechCrunch]
Improving trust in autonomous technology [MIT Technology Review]
How to stop the mindless scrolling [Insider]
La French Tech fête ses dix ans d’existence. — Dix ans d’accélération, avec des centaines de milliers d’emplois créés partout sur notre territoire, redevenu une terre d’entrepreneuriat. — Dix ans de transformation, avec de plus en plus de start-ups vertes, industrielles et de deep techs prêtes à relever les défis de demain. — Dix ans de succès, avec des services qui ont changé la vie de nos compatriotes et parfois révolutionné celle de nos entreprises. — Et depuis le début, un collectif humain animé par la foi dans le progrès et la vision d’un destin commun, aux côtés duquel l’État se tient. Avec France 2030, nous irons encore plus loin et nous souhaitons mieux accompagner, dès cette année, une centaine d’entreprises qui s’inscrivent dans les grands projets de la décarbonation, la santé ou encore l’intelligence artificielle. Avec les investisseurs institutionnels, dont nous attendons l’engagement, nous continuerons à vous soutenir. — Des projets d’avenir dans lesquels vous, actrices et acteurs de la French Tech, avez tout votre rôle à jouer. — Alors bravo à vous, et encore merci. Dix ans déjà, mais ce n’est que le début ! [LinkedIn] #LaFrenchTech
Fight for Bakhmut continues as Russian forces call for more support [The Guardian] #Ukraine
Are You a Cubicle Cat or a Couch Koala? Test Your Office Personality. [The New York Times]
Crisis Over Suspected Iran Schoolgirl Poisonings Escalates — A crisis over suspected poisonings targeting Iranian schoolgirls is escalating as authorities now acknowledge over 50 schools have been struck in a wave of possible cases. [Huffington Post] #IranRevolution2023
The Martyr at CPAC — Donald Trump came to the conservative conference to air some grievances. [The Atlantic] #TrumpIsGoingToJail
Democrats Are Open To Ditching Biden In 2024 [FiveThirtyEight]
A mile-long line for free food offers a warning as covid benefits end [The Washington Post]
La France doit rebondir en Afrique [Le Monde]
Got a new Mac? Here's how to set up and customize the Apple MacOS [Mashable]
Humanity Officially Has a Viable Defence Against Killer Asteroids, NASA Confirms [VICE News]
In Bulldozing Israeli Democracy, Benjamin Netanyahu Could Become the BDS Movement’s Greatest Ally [The Intercept_] #PalestinianLivesMatter
Why evenings can be harder on people with dementia [National Geographic]
Fox News could lose a $1.6 billion lawsuit [NPR] 1180 days after #MeToo Bombshell movie, Fox News is finally getting a dose of Karma. While we’re at it, let’s deport Rupert Murdoch back to Australia
California’s snowpack sees big boost after recent storms [CapRadioNews]
Le Japon tourne la page du pacifisme [Le Monde diplomatique]
The U.S. Needs to Talk About the Risk of War With China [Foreign Policy]
Netanyahu Can’t Have It All — To Protect Its National Security, Israel Will Need to Compromise [Foreign Affairs] Netanyahu needs to remove the far-right officials from his staff, and install more moderate Israeli individuals. His entire country is in shamble due to his poor choice of actions because he is a Monster. Israel has shot the equivalent of a Palestinian Child ever 3 days for the past 21 years, and the World has said, enough is enough.
March 2023 - Issue 100 [The Diplomat]
Simpler Math Predicts How Close Ecosystems Are to Collapse [Quanta Magazine]
Voici le “chopper dump” du Linac4 récemment remanié. Ce dispositif est responsable de l'absorption du faisceau produit par le Linac4 et dévié vers le haut et vers le bas, permettant d'évacuer une partie du faisceau à basse énergie. [CERN_FR]
University Teams Forge Forward in NASA Moon Metal Production Challenge [NASA]
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