Monday, August 12th, 2024

The Nation's Best Hackers Found Vulnerabilities in Voting Machines - But No Time To Fix Them []

Harris’ surprising Rust Belt strength [AXIOS]

A recording of the Made by Google 2024 keynote, with updates on Google AI and Pixel devices, including the Pixel 9 Pro and Pixel 9 Pro Fold [TechMeme]

Starbucks is hiring Chipotle's CEO. Here's what to know about the new boss [Quartz]

You need a budget. But do you really need to pay for one? [Vox]

Why Go programming language is on the rise (again) [TheNextWeb]

This Olive Boat and Pit Port Has Changed the Way I Snack [Eater]

Elon Musk Is Trashing San Francisco. Tech Founders Say They Still Love ItMusk has been complaining about San Francisco on X, but entrepreneurs still value the city's startup ecosystem. [Inc.]

Quantum computing will make encryption techniques obsolete—the U.S. government has a plan [Fast Company]

Kids Are Losing Their Minds Over Weed [Medium]

Entrepreneur - Work Faster With AI [Entrepreneur]

I Used ChatGPT's Advanced Voice Mode. It's Fun, and Just a Bit Creepy [WIRED]

This Week in Tech 992 [TWIT]

4 new games and experiments from Google Arts & Culture to inspire your summer [Google Blog]

Smoothly editing material properties of objects with text-to-image models and synthetic data [Google Research]

Refugee Number 33,333 [Poetry Foundation]

How to see tomorrow’s conjunction of Mars and Jupiter [Astronomy Magazine]

SAP TechEd Virtual October 8–9, 2024 | Register today (It's Free) [SAP] #SAP #IwantToWorkAtSAP

What’s up, everybody! It’s Monday, August 12th, 2024. Here are some important VLOG 1, VLOG 2, VLOG 3, VLOG 4, VLOG 5, VLOG 6, VLOG 7, VLOG 8, VLOG 9, VLOG 10, VLOG 11 from my official YouTube channel. As far as VLOG 12, it's been done in spirit, by Nouveau Front Populaire, which made a commercial to make sure that Extreme-Right (RN) does not and did not win the Éléctions Legislatives. Good thing I voted, and vous aussi. Merci beaucoup les Amis/Amies de la Gauche. #NonAuRN #NonAuFN

Until Next Time!

Friday August 09th, 2024

NATO-funded project to reroute internet to space in case of disruption to critical infrastructure [NATO] #NATO

Man who attacked police at the US Capitol with poles gets 20 years, one of longest Jan. 6 sentences [AP News] #MAGAcult #MAGAcultEnd

The Kamala Harris effect on the polls has been dramatic [The Economist]

How could the vice-presidential picks affect the US election? [The Economist Podcasts]

How Ukraine’s new tech foils Russian aerial attacks [The Economist, Science & Technology] #UkraineWarDay896

Why will sustainability become a major barrier to generative AI adoption? Download a copy of EIU’s free report to find out: [The EIU] #sustainability #AIadoption #EIUInsights

Why “Wisdom Work” Is the New “Knowledge Work” [Harvard Business Review]

US urges citizens to leave Lebanon on 'any available ticket' [BBC] #PreventLebanonCrisisDueToNetanyahuWarMongering

Israel’s Spymaster Visits Egypt for Gaza Cease-Fire Talks [Bloomberg] #GazaCeasefire

Trump proposes alternative election debate, Harris says no [Reuters] I am so sick and tired of the stupid #TrumpTVshow, all of us have 141 fucking things to do.

Israel’s war on Gaza live: 17 killed in attacks on shelter [AL-Jazeera News] #GazaGenocide #GazaCeasefire #TwoStateSolution

‘I’m scared, but I’ll carry on’: Venezuelans caught between hope and fear [AL-Jazeera News] #PreventFurtherEscalationInVenezuela

Trump’s Racist Attack on Kamala Harris Was No Accident [The New Yorker]

Nvidia reportedly delays its next AI chip due to a design flaw / The company’s next big AI chip may not ship in large numbers until next year, reports The Information. [The Verge]

An influencer is running for Senate. Is she just the first of many? [Vox]

Tesla Dojo: Elon Musk’s big plan to build an AI supercomputer, explained [TechCrunch] the Dojo gives lots of people aneurysms, because it’s very dangerous. Also, the Tesla OS is useless without some special OS upgrades. Also, Grok is not working properly sometimes. It’s time for Twitter to give me back my IAMZAKI account back asap. I contacted the FBI. It’s for ZACK TECHNOLOGY LLC.

The US physics community is not done working on trust [MIT Technology Review]

Why Japanese stocks just had their worst day in 4 years [Business Insider] !@#$#$%@$%(&$#!($#!(*()@#!

Tap to learn more →🔔 Join Us for an Exclusive Webinar on ADE Start Ups & The Chorus! What is the Chorus? What does ADE have planned for ADE Start Ups? Curious and want to know more? We are closing applications for The Chorus in the next couple of weeks so join us for an engaging webinar where we’ll dive into the ins and outs of ADE Start Ups and The Chorus, two game-changing start up initiatives at the Amsterdam Dance Event.

Date: 7th of August, 2024 Time: 15:00 CEST Location: Online

Sign up by following this link: [LinkedIn]

Tropical Storm Debby intensifies as most of Florida under emergency orders [The Guardian]

Haunting Image: First Photo Released of C.I.A. Prisoner at Black Site [New York Times] do you have any idea how many disturbing photos of CIA black sites there are? Those images are terrifying, and could land the CIA in hot waters, with its interrogators arrested for failing to abide by Geneva Conventions. This is the United Nations Geneva Convention. When these photos get released to the public, it puts the lives of not only American troops in danger, but American Tourists around the planet in danger. Never forget the expression of American tourists traveling with a Canadian flag on their backpack instead of USA flag, you know full well what we are talking about here.

Here's What Grimes Had To Say After Elon Musk's Daughter Vivian Called Him An Absentee Dad [Huffington Post] calling your children sons X Æ A-Xii and Techno Mechanicus and daughter Y opened a can of worms from day one. You have to pick names a little more normal. It’s really important for their well-being, moral, and raison-d’être. Listen to Grimes, Elon. She is the mother of your children.

What will Become of American Civilization? [The Atlantic]

How people can respectfully disagree over politics [FiveThirtyEight]

Almost 100 killed in Israeli strike on Gaza school, civil defense says [The Washington Post]

Canicule : la vague de chaleur s’étend en France, 28 départements en vigilance orange dimanche [Le Monde]

Apple is about to smallify its Mac mini even more [Mashable]

Banksy Painted a Satellite Dish. It Was Nearly Instantly Stolen. [VICE News]

Racism Is Why Trump Is So Popular [The Intercept_]

Illegal to be ’ugly’? The history behind one of America‘s cruelest laws [National Geographic] #MustRead #Discrimination

Photos: Family of Michael Brown Jr. marches on Ferguson 10 years later [NPR]

A California bill aims to strengthen protections for outdoor workers during extreme heat [CapRadioNews]

« Dans un boudoir vermeil » [Le Monde diplomatique]

What Harris Learned Investigating Russian Interference [Foreign Policy] #RussianInterference has already started on platforms like Facebook & Twitter (X). I suggest precautions take place, such as turning Twitter into Twitter.Gov , creating Facebook.Gov will take longer. If Twitter loses replies, retweets, likes, then the DNC and its members will never have the reach to raise awareness about their issues. When our (Democrats) message does not reach the masses, we lose elections, just like Cori Bush lost, due to the insane amount of money that AIPAC spent, to defeat her.

Putin’s New Agents of Chaos [Foreign Affairs]

First Known Survivor of China’s Forced Organ Harvesting Speaks Out [The Diplomat]

Dealing with ‘Axis of Authoritarians’ Requires Greater U.S. Policy Risk [The Cipher Brief]

How Base 3 Computing Beats Binary [Quanta Magazine]

Coup de froid accéléré sur les antiprotons de BASE [CERN_FR]

Olympics on the International Space Station [NASA]

How Europe’s biggest rocket came to be: Ariane 6 montage [ESA]

A decision was made. Bought a LENOVO LEGION laptop (Intel CPU, NVIDIA GPU, Windows 11 OS machine). No Desktop was available in Best Buy local store (so fucking pissed), so unfortunately, I have to wait longer for that. I need a Desktop to run a Server. Both for #IntelQuantum + Gaming Server.

Article will be featured somewhere else. I have to fix my dates between JUNE 1ST and MID-AUGUST 2024.

Blogposts after JLR 1200 & BR 1200 will be listed as numeral dates, and not blogposts.

Until Next Time!

08-08-2024 (Thursday)

Exploring the impact of expressive therapies on military veterans with PTSD: A systematic review [NIH] #MusicTherapy

France Quantum 2024 conference, May 21st, 2024 [France Quantum] #FranceQuantum #QuantumComputing #QuantumMechanics

Treatment of primary breast cancer without mastectomy [American Journal of Medicine] #RaceForTheCure #BreastCancer

Launching the Blue Peace Index [The EIU] #FreshWaterShortagesIn20Years

Nuclear fusion firm building at Bull Run site has enthusiastic backers, including Bill Gates [KNOX NEWS] #NuclearFusion

A comprehensive investigation into the genetic relationship between music engagement and mental health [NIH] #BipolarDisorder #MentalIllness #MedicalJournal

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome [NIH] #MedicalJournal #EhlersDanlosSyndrome

Vol. 6 No. 2 (2024): Archives of Pediatric Neurosurgery [Archives of Pediatric Neurosurgery]

The History of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: From Chemical-Physical Applications to Nanomedicine [NIH] #nanotechnology #CureForCancer

The current application of nanotechnology in food and agriculture [NIH] #nanotechnology

DNA Nanotechnology for Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy [NIH] #nanotechnology #cureforcancer

Nanotechnology-Driven Cell-Based Therapies in Regenerative Medicine [NIH] #nanotechnology #regenerativemedicine

The pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease [NIH] #RaceForCureForParkinsonsDisease

HIV drug could be made for just $40 a year for every patient [The Guardian] (RED) #IncredibleInnovation

Nanotechnology in leukemia: diagnosis, efficient-targeted drug delivery, and clinical trials [NIH] #Nanotechnology #Leukemia

Here are my options:

  • Razer laptop

  • Razer desktop (none are already built, problematic)

  • Lenovo Legion gaming laptop

  • Lenovo Legion gaming desktop (tower)

  • Alienware gaming laptop

  • Alienware gaming desktop

  • new iPhone (13 / 14 Pro / 15 Pro)

  • new iPad

  • Ableton 12 Live + Push 3

  • Teenage Engineering OP-1

  • Final Cut Pro 3

  • Samsung Odyssey G9 49inch widescreen monitor

Please help me make a decision. Budget is $1500. Thank you. I need to decide what takes precedence. First and foremost, I really need a brand-new Windows 11 machine, preferably to work 24/7 to run ZACK TECHNOLOGY LLC, my Startup/Company/Corporation. Most importantly: AFWERX & SPACEWERX R&D work. As a Creator, I keep things updated on my MacBook Pro and my Mac Mini. Alas, I def. need a Windows 11 machine as well. This is so it can run “Q# Programming” for the JLR OS (JETLAG RADIO Operating System). I will have Visual Studio installed for people who need to remote in, and Microsoft Project 2021 for myself, along with Microsoft Office with COPILOT. This is all very important for NASA, ESA (Voyager 1 + ULA), Intelligence Community, and Gaming Studios (Valve, Steam, Ubisoft, Kojima Productions: Death Stranding 2, 3, and 0 (prequel), METAL GEAR SOLID V COMPLETE, MGS DELTA, MGS 6, MGS 7, GHOST RECON NEXT GEN (NEXT TRILOGY), WATCH DOGS 4 TOKYO, YAKUZA Game Series from (SEGA) RGG Studios etc. In addition, this machine will use my WHITEBOARD to help create #ProjectOrion, which are CYBERPUNK 2077 2, 3, 0 (Arasaka Prequel) and the CYBERPUNK METAVERSE to work in conjunction with CD Projekt RED. Your help in this matter is much appreciated. This machine needs to be robust for myself, a Gray Hat. Thank you in advance.

Until Next Time!

Wednesday, August 7th, 2024

Best ultrawide monitor for gaming in 2024: the expansive panels I recommend for PC gamers [PC Gamer]

The best Mac games to play right now [Tom’s Guide]

Valve working on a new game that could be Half-Life 3 [Gaming On Linux] #HL3confirmed

PlayStation VR2 players can access games on PC with adapter starting on August 7 [Playstation]

Xbox Summer Showcase Live Blog: Everything Microsoft Announced at SGF [Xbox]

The Legend of Zelda™: Echoes of Wisdom comes out Sept. 26—here’s your latest look! [Nintendo Switch]

EA Sports FC 25 - Official Career Deep Dive Overview Trailer [IGN]

The PlayStation VR 2 PC Adapter Is Available Now, But It's Selling Out Fast [GameSpot]

Fortnite to remove FOMO from future battle passes [Polygon]

When Will We Stop Playing Video Games? - Kinda Funny Gamescast [KindaFunnyGames]

What’s up, everybody! It’s Wednesdady (Hump-Day), August 7th, 2024. There’s some great news in the world of videogames, and even more weekly episodes of Coffee with Zack (English, weekly episodes Coffee with Zaki (French), and Coffee with Zaki-san (Japanese DUB, that’s once a month). As far as JETLAG RADIO, we’re in the episode 2200 version 4 right now. Enjoy.

PS. Here’s a great 40min CYBERPUNK 2077 fan film from PHOENIX PROGRAM (T7PRO). Great job, guys, gals, it was awesome. Please keep making more fan-films about Night City.

Until Next Time!

Tuesday, August 6th, 2024

Google Loses DOJ Antitrust Suit Over Search []

Biden briefed that Iran attack timing and details still unclear, U.S. officials say [AXIOS] POTUS and VP were advised and slowly starting to realize that potential Iran attack is a misdirection, meanwhile large amount of very rich billionaires from places such as China are currently withdrawing humongous amounts of money around stock markets worldwide.

US v. Google: a federal judge rules that Google illegally monopolized the search market, including through deals to be the default option on phones and browsers [TechMeme]

X is closing its San Francisco headquarters — but not leaving California [Quartz]

Intel was once a Silicon Valley leader. How did it fall so far? [Vox]

Automation plans for planes are ‘dangerous gamble,’ EU pilots warn [TheNextWeb]

How to Bring the French Bistro Aesthetic Home [Eater]

As Reid Hoffman Backs Harris, Like-Minded Business Owners Say, 'Yes, We Kam' More founders are backing Vice President Kamala Harris as she begins campaigning, with less than four months until election day. [Inc.]

How Ford Motor Company is reshaping Detroit into the next great tech hub [Fast Company]

Conclusions from the Mercedes-Benz EV garage parking lot fire in South Korea, and its implications for Tesla Motors [Medium] #QuantumMechanics

How a Local Greek Restaurant Seized Opportunities and Won a New Food Network Competition [Entrepreneur]

The New Gods of Weather Can Make Rain on Demand—or So They Want You to Believe [WIRED]

This Week in Space 122 [TWIT]

Stay informed on the go with new updates from Maps and Waze [Google Blog]

Pre-translation vs. direct inference in multilingual LLM applications [Google Research]

August 2024: What’s in the sky this month? Jupiter and Mars meet in Taurus in a mid-month conjunction [Astronomy Magazine]

What Is Dreamforce? Everything About Salesforce’s Annual Event [Salesforce]

Intelligent ERP &The AI Copilot Joule Update | SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition 2408 [SAP] #SAP #IwantToWorkAtSAP

What’s up, everybody! It’s Tuesday, August 6th, 2024. It appears that multiple stock markets around the planet are in trouble. I share your concerns. I am available to work IF THERE IS A SALARY as a Project Manager remote/hybrid for any organization in Folsom, CA (remote/hybrid for #IntelQuantum & #IntelFoundry & #IntelRedacted, or #AMDRedTeam), San Francisco Bay Area (remote, hybrid including yearly #LaFrenchTech conference, and SAP), Rennes (#LaFrenchTechRennesStMalo, including 100 flights/year), Paris (remote, 6 flights/year minimum including Quai D’Orsay yearly conference and Station F), Tokyo (remote, 6 flights/year minimum including #TokyoGameShow), Amsterdam (remote, 2 flights/year minimum including #ADE2024) and Redacted (MAP A / MAP B on Weekends).

PS. Shoutout to the local Tofu Shop at Fujiwara, I am doing my best to stop by on one weekend per month, but all these responsibilities and zero paychecks, don’t blame me, blame all these previous employers who refuse to help me. Can’t wait for some Sushi + Sapporo soon.

Until Next Time!

Monday August 5th 2024

Watch Beatport's Livestream of Charlotte de Witte's NYC Block Party [Beatportal]

How to create an old-school techno lead like Charlotte De Witte [Computer Music]

This Week In Music [Future Music]

New record store, Downbeat Records, opens in Limerick [DJ Mag]

Fred again.. to release new album ‘ten days’ next month [Mixmag]

Meet the Underground Talent of Outside Lands: Jackie Hollander [Dancing Astronaut]

Night Tales Release Mesmerizing Deep House Single “Ready” [Your EDM]

Kaskade Launches Innovative AI Songwriting Contest to Collaborate With New Talent []

EDM This Week - August 2nd Edition [EDM Sauce]


What’s up, everybody! It’s Monday, August 5th 2024. Here’s a great bundle of some my VLOGS, a “BUNDURU” if you want, because I need to fix the UI/UX of my website. It’s time to get closer to the PRESENT date. Things were acting somewhat odd in the SPACE-TIME-CONTINUUM.

PS. I understand that #IntelCorp is facing its worst crisis on Wall Street in over 50 years. That’s okay, just call back Brian Krzanich (BK Runner) and tell him to #IntelInterimCEO-ish back and forth between NYC and the West Coast, and call me to work as a Project Manager / Advisor at the Folsom, California Campus. Please buy me a House, and a Company Car. Temporarily, I can live in that Hotel Complex with the Executives. It’s Code Red-ish. Great time for #IntelFoundry, #IntelREDACTED, and more. Plus, we need to secure timetable for #IntelOhio in 2025/2026 and not delay it further, it’s important for The Ohio State University and its graduates: OSU Alumni.

PPS. Due to the incredible work of French-Americans who were Previous Intel Corp staff, Present staff, and Future staff, it's time to create #IntelFrance, to work in conjunction with #FranceQuantum, I can be an in-between person or to-go to individual between all the entities.

Until Next Time!

Friday, August 2nd, 2024

Le Top Albums de la Semaine! [Skyrock FM] Le nouvel album de MAES est vraiment bien.

New Orleans rapper BG won’t go back to prison – but judge will scrutinize lyrics [The Guardian] Be Careful, BG, you were in prison for 11 years, you do not need to ever go back, just focus on the music. Can’t wait for your new albums, and the new Hot Boys/Boyz album volume 3/III. Let’s Go!

Wiz Khalifa Drops Off 13-Song Mixtape ‘Wiz Owens’ [HYPEBEAST]

Are Geminis the Best Rappers? [HipHopDX]

Judge removed from Young Thug trial [The Fader]

High Profile Launch of Doodles Records Includes Records From Lil Wayne, Coi Leray and Lil Yachty [The Source]

French Montana Catching Heat for Hanging Out With Donald Trump’s Daughter-In-Law [XXL Magazine]

Tupac's Family Hires Investigators To Look Into Diddy Conspiracy Allegations [Hot New Hip-Hop] #DiddyKilledTupac

What’s up, everybody! It’s August 2nd, 2024. As always, you can listen to great Hip-Hop, Rap, and French Rap (Rap Français) on OMEGA RADIO, my rap music podcast station. Enjoy.

Thursday, August 1st, 2024

Best PC controllers in 2024: the pads I recommend for PC gamers [PC Gamer] #PC #Gaming #GeeksForGeeks

Best Games for Mac: A-list games you can play on your Mac [Macworld] #MacOS #Gaming #GeeksForGeeks

My 30-Day Experiment With Native Linux Games [It’s FOSS News] #Linux #LearnAboutLinux #GeeksForGeeks

Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail - Full Trailer | PS5 & PS4 Games [Playstation] #Sony #Playstation #PS5

Amazon is Now Selling a 'No Console Required' Xbox Bundle [XBOX via IGN] #Microsoft #XBOX #XboxSeriesX #XboxSeriesS

Epic Nintendo Switch weekend sale has games from $2 — here's my 9 favorite deals [Nintendo Switch via Tom’s Guide] #Nintendo #NintendoSwitch

Eagle-Eyed SDCC Fans Think They've Spotted a Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1 and 2 Remaster Tease | SDCC 2024 [IGN]

Marvel Vs. Capcom's New Collection Continues Our Current Golden Age Of Fighting Games [GameSpot]

Every major announcement from SDCC 2024 [Polygon]

The Laptop I've ALWAYS Wanted! [Dave2D via YouTube Gaming]

"Lenovo Legion Go - It's Go Time" [Lenovo Legion via Twitch]

What’s up, everybody! I am in the process of listing blogposts in the future by date and not by podcasts. I am actually not at PODCAST 1200, but at PODCAST 2200 (Great Teacher Onizuka aka GTO was 22 years old with the motto “Don’t Worry, I will make School Fun for You”) and above. That’s how far into the future I am. Anyway, lots of work to do. Here’s a video to explain stuff to younger generations, since unfortunately, with TikTok, and their 8sec attention span, their ADHD, none of them understands the importance of: “Don’t Boo, Vote.” Thank God that I do, and I will remind them. Now, if you are familiar with TRON mythology, at the end of TRON LEGACY, our main character (Sam)’s father was left behind in the TRON world, and he escaped with his girlfriend. We are now waiting for TRON 3, where we hope that Sam returns to the TRON world, to save his dad, completing the first trilogy of the TRON movies. The other video is from Dragon Ball Super Season 1, near episode 131, where Goku with ULTRA INSTINCT battles Jiren. A very difficult battle. While it is true that a new season of DBZ will be released this early September, everybody wonders where Dragon Ball Super Season 2 is. We shall wait. In the mean time, DRAGON BALL HEROES was released inside a videogame, and I have been unable to watch it yet, and kids/teenagers are gone crazy over it. It’s about TRUNKS imprisoned on another planet, and all the Z Fighters have to come and save him from this hell.

Until Next Time!

Wednesday, July 31st, 2024

Comments on Podcasts Gives Creators and Listeners More Ways To Engage [Spotify]

Apple Music Adds New Radio Features To Artists Dashboard & Partner Program [Music Row]

Deezer’s New CEO Is Alexis Lanternier [Billboard]

First wave of artists for ADE 2024 [ADE 2024] #ADE2024

25 Years of Defected Records: Beatport's Tribute to a Renowned House Music Institution [Beatportal]

"Bitwig finally has a suite of unique, flexible effect tools to match its creative ambitions": Bitwig Studio 5.2 review [Computer Music]

“Refreshing approach to drum programming and impressive sound quality”: Sampleson Drumbada review [Future Music]

Becky Hill & Wilkinson 'Afterglow' | The Making Of A Dance Anthem [DJ Mag] Vote for ZAKI QAYOUMI in the DJ MAG TOP 100 POLL for 2024


Tiësto and Lucas & Steve collaborate on electrified hit ‘Zenless’ featuring Silent Child [Dancing Astronaut]

Scarlet veil Releases Mesmerizing Wave Single “Strings” [Your EDM]

Porter Robinson’s New Album is a Radiant Reminder that Happiness Doesn’t Come Without Pain [EDM]

Rave Jesus Brings New Life To Dante Bowe’s “Not Hopeless” [EDM Sauce]

What’s up, everybody! I am in the process of listing blogposts by date every since after blogpost 1200. This is to simplify the latest blog entries, and bring back stability to the JLR OS system and algorithm. It was a difficult decision but I had to do it. Enjoy these VLOG videos from my official YouTube channel.

Until Next Time!

July 26th 2024

NATO 2099 [NATO] #NATO #ComicBook #SuperHeroes

Who will be Kamala Harris’ running-mate? [The Economist]

Reactions to a $600m wedding in India reveal how the country has changed [The Economist Podcasts] imagine how many cars you could buy with $600m, just disturbing the difference of class difference and caste system in India today

Research: People Still Want to Work. They Just Want Control Over Their Time. [Harvard Business Review]

Harris tells Netanyahu 'it is time' to end war in Gaza [BBC]

CrowdStrike’s CEO Says 97% of Sensors Hit by Outage Back Online [Bloomberg] I told you I fixed it, you just wanted me to go to JETLAG RADIO 2100 & 2200. There’s the fucking #INVOICE, a brand-new Audi, BMW, or #JDM, etc ASAP.

Death toll from Ethiopia landslides could jump to 500, UN says [Reuters]

Israel war on Gaza live: Wave of air strikes hit southern, northern cities [AL-Jazeera News]

The Struggle to Identify all the Dead Bodies in Mexico [The New Yorker]

I haven’t charged my wireless gaming mouse in two and a half years.That’s no exaggeration, it’s just me checking in on my 2022 story about the Logitech Powerplay Wireless Charging System, now on sale at Amazon for its best price in two years. Mind you, that price is $94, not including a compatible mouse... but in hindsight, I’d gladly pay it. [The Verge]

Inspired by the Olympics? You can become an athlete at any age. [Vox]

Google makes its Gemini chatbot faster and more widely available [TechCrunch]

The race to clean up heavy-duty trucks [MIT Technology Review] (The Spark: Our weekly energy email)

OpenAI's new SearchGPT prototype is a declaration of war against Google [Business Insider]

Earlier this week, I had the chance to catch up with Tom Mackenzie on Bloomberg to discuss our Q2 earnings results and how SAP's offerings like RISE with SAP are helping customers drive their business model transformation and grow their businesses. We talked about hashtag#GenerativeAI and the many ways in which it unfolds significant value for companies across their business, from contract screening to closing the books to hiring the best talent. [LinkedIn] #SAP #IwantToWorkAtSAP over 10,000 people at SAP got fired, because clearly, they couldn’t fix the CrowdStrike bug, but I could. Please offer me a remote/hybrid Project Manager career job at SAP in SF. Thank you.

Man accused of starting California’s largest wildfire of the year is arrested [The Guardian]

Bats Already Had Problems. Now, Add Taxidermy Listings on Etsy and eBay. [The New York Times]

5 Summer Activities ER Doctors Wouldn't Let Their Own Kids Do [Huffington Post]

Inside U.S. Cricket Shocking Victory [The Atlantic]

What do the polls say about a Harris vs. Trump matchup? [FiveThirtyEight]

Mars rover discovers an ancient rock with a ‘potential biosignature’ [The Washington Post]

En direct, guerre en Ukraine : le point sur la situation [Le Monde]

'EA Sports College Football 25' review: Why it puts 'Madden' to shame [Mashable]

“Everyone in Gaza Is Sick, Injured, or Both”: U.S. Doctors Demand Biden Admin Stop Arming Israel [Democracy NOW!]

Senior Security Officials Pledge Afghanistan 'Not a Threat' [TOLO News] it’s been years, it’s time to implement a full Democracy in Afghanistan, and remove the Sharia Law-based Society. It’s time. The people of Afghanistan demand it. Let them listen to ZETA RADIO.


This is the biggest health challenge women face in their 20s [National Geographic]

Harris says she 'will not be silent' about humanitarian toll in Gaza [NPR]

For the first time since he exited the presidential race, Biden addresses the nation [CapRadioNews]

Le mirage de l’apaisement [Le Monde diplomatique]

The Best Summer Reads for National Security Nerds [Foreign Policy]

Hezbollah Doesn’t Want a War With Israel [Foreign Affairs]

How U.S. Adversaries are Eyeing Our Presidential Election [The Cipher Brief]

Myanmar Is Running Out of Gas. What Happens Next? [The Diplomat]

The Physics of Cold Water May Have Jump-Started Complex Life [Quanta Magazine]

#ThrowbackThursday au camp d'été S'Cool LAB du CERN en 2017, un laboratoire d’apprentissage pratique de la physique des particules. [CERN_FR]

NASA’s Fermi Finds New Feature in Brightest Gamma-Ray Burst Yet Seen [NASA]

Nissan Teases Return of Iconic JDM Coupe You've Probably Never Heard Of [MOTORTREND]


What’s up, everybody! It’s July 26th, 2024. Now, I obviously did a terrible job singing IAM’s Quand Tu Allais On Revenait…with my Apple earbuds. I’ll have to re-record this with my BEATS BY DR. DRE earbuds. In the meantime, this mumbling rap sounds like Future the U.S. Rapper, that’s what murmuring rapping sound like. Also, I hope this video montage brings a smile to every kid who is deaf (Switched at Birth), especially because I know people make fun of them behind their back. Anyway, the next time I sing IAM, it will be Bad Boys de Marseille PT 2, so good luck making fun of me then, I’ve been singing this song for over 3 decades.

PS. A big shoutout to everybody who enjoy American Football, I will do my best to play some Madden 25 & College Football 25 after the beginning of August, once I receive my modest small monthly allowance.

Until Next Time!